Citric Acid (E330) – Overview, Uses, Side Effects & More

Additive Summary Citric Acid (E330)
Essence Citric Acid or E330 is an organic acid naturally found in every living organism, as well as in many different citrus fruits, like grapefruits, lemons, and oranges, but also present in strawberries, kiwis, mangoes, pineapples, raspberries, papayas, and other fruits and used in foods, supplements, and medicine typically as an acidity regulator, emulsifier, flavoring agent, and a preservative to extend shelf life. It naturally has a sour taste and is considered to be a weak acid. It can also improve texture and work as a chelating agent.
Names Anhydrous citric acid, Acid citric, Citrate, Sour salt, 2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, Citric acid monohydrate, Tricarballylic acid, E330, Citric Acid, and others.
Sourcing  Most commonly, Glucose but Sucrose, fructose, and molasses can also be used.
Manufacturing There are many ways how to create Citric Acid. However, doing it through fermentation is likely the most common in commercial use. A type of fungus known as Aspergillus Niger is added to fermentation broth which is basically a mixture of the sourcing ingredient and some other nutrients like nitrogen and minerals. The fungus consumes the sourcing ingredient and as a byproduct creates Citric Acid. After that, the additive is separated from the fermentation broth with the help of filtration and purification (like solvent extraction, crystallization, and others). The final product is typically a white, crystalline powder.
Application Antioxidant, preservative, acidity regulator (pH regulator), emulsifier, flavoring agent, and texturizer. It is highly soluble in water.
Acceptable Daily Intake It is claimed to be safe in amounts of up to 30 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.
Side Effects While it can interfere with the absorption of antibiotics and iron supplements, side effects will really only come in very high amounts or in certain contexts. Citric acid should not be consumed together with Aluminum or from Aluminum utensils or dishes as it improves absorption of it. But absorbing too much Aluminum can lead to a whole host of problems. Another context where it can be harmful is when it is created of GMO material. Whereas in high amounts, it can induce free radicals which will damage cells. In these cases, this additive can potentially a wide variety of problems including joint pain, stomach pain and upset, joint stiffness, swelling, dental erosion, muscular pain, shortness of breath, weaker immunity, and more are possible.
Benefits As an essential compound of life, it kind of inherently is a benefit. Additionally, it can enhance nutrient absorption, aid skin health, offer antioxidant activity, and help prevent kidney stones.
Studies 30,080+ studies on Pubmed. 815+ studies on safety.
Allergens It may or may not be created from Corn.
Diet Restrictions None.
Health Knight Assessment Typically Harmless. | Hence, it’s a Category 1 Additive.
Products Citric Acid (E330) can be found in processed foods like soft drinks, juices, candy, sweets, biscuits, cookies, spreads, mayonnaise, instant noodles, quick soups, chili sauces, chicken nuggets, vegetarian nuggets, energy drinks, crisps, chips, crackers, and all kinds of other salty snacks, cheeses, premade pasta dishes, sausages, chocolates, dressings, jams, pastes, brownies, cakes, baked beans, burritos, sandwiches, syrups, spice mixes, bread, curry, lollipops, soups, breakfast cereal, mustard, canned spaghetti, salsa, yogurts, and more.

Citric Acid (E330) Side Effects Are Typically Not Very Likely Various Cookies Can Have This Additive As Well

You Will Find This Acidity Regulator In Salsa And Chips Pasta Dishes Can Have The Sour Salt As Well

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