Sodium Lactate (E325) – Overview, Uses, Side Effects & More

Additive Summary Sodium Lactate (E325)
Essence Sodium Lactate or E325 is the sodium salt of lactic acid which presents itself as a clear and colorless liquid or a crystalline powder with a mildly salty taste and can be used as a flavor enhancer, preservative, acidity regulator, humectant, and in other ways in all kinds of foods. Lactic Acid is also a naturally occurring substance in various foods (like kefir, cheese, and yogurt) and is a byproduct of normal metabolic processes in humans.
Names Lactic acid sodium salt, Monosodium lactate, Sodium racemic lactate, Sodium 2-hydroxypropanoate, CAS 72-17-3, Neutral sodium lactate, Sodium alpha-hydroxypropionate, E325, Sodium Lactate, and others.
Sourcing  Lactose or Glucose is the classical starting point for this additive.
Manufacturing To create the additive, the sourcing ingredients get fermented with Lactic Acid bacteria. The outcome of this undergoes purification (by filtration or distillation) to both remove any possible impurities and make the Lactic Acid more concentrated. Then, this acquired Lactic Acid is neutralized with typically either Sodium Carbonate or Sodium Hydroxide. This creates Sodium Lactate and Water. Then, the final step is crystallization if needed.
Application Preservative, flavor enhancer, acidity regulator, emulsifier, anti-caking agent, and humectant.
Acceptable Daily Intake None determined.
Side Effects In high amounts, it can cause digestive discomforts like diarrhea, gas, and bloating. It can also contribute to overall sodium consumption levels. Hence, it may not be considered appropriate for people with high blood pressure, kidney disease, or congestive heart failure.
Benefits No typical health benefits.
Studies 1,180+ studies on Pubmed. 105+ studies on safety.
Allergens None (doesn’t even contain milk).
Diet Restrictions Vegan-incompatible may be a thing but is typically unlikely (it will all depend on how the fermentation process is done). No other known diet restrictions.
Health Knight Assessment  Fully Harmless. | Category 1 Additive.
Products Sodium Lactate (E325) can be found in processed foods like all kinds of sausages, bacon, candy, burger meat, liver pate, hams, smoked trouts, burgers, roasted meat, salads, hot dogs, ketchup, turkey breasts, packaged raw meats, deli meats in general, stuffed tomatoes, bolognese and all kind of other sauces, pesto, lardons, sandwiches, butter, pastries, pizzas, lollipops, sushis, sweets, cheese substitutes, cheese, spreads, meat patties, noodles, pancakes with filling, and more.

Sodium Lactate (E325) Side Effects Are Unlikely Lollipops Can Surely Have This Additive

Also Pesto And Pizzas In General Can Have This Preservative Ham Can Have The Lactic Acid Sodium Salt As Well

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