Calcium Phosphate (E341) – Overview, Uses, Side Effects & More

Additive Summary Calcium Phosphate (E341)
Essence Calcium Phosphate or E341 is a Calcium salt of phosphoric acid that has a wide variety of different applications in food, supplements, and medicine while displaying no smell or taste and presenting itself either as a white crystalline powder or white granular powder. It is naturally found in products like milk, chicken, pork, beef, broccoli, kale, brown rice, whole wheat bread, and more. There are three Calcium Phosphates: 1) Monocalcium Phosphate (MCP) or E341(i), Dicalcium Phosphate (DCP) or E341(ii), and Tricalcium Phosphate (TCP) or E341(iii).
Names MCP is also known as Monocalcium orthophosphate, calcium acid pyrophosphate, calcium dihydrogen phosphate, E341(i), and acid calcium phosphate.
DCP is also known as calcium phosphate dihydrate, calcium hydrogen phosphate, Dicalcium orthophosphate, E341(ii), and calcium phosphate dibasic.
TCP is also known as bone phosphate of lime, calcium orthophosphate, bone ash, Precipitated calcium phosphate, E341(iii), and tribasic calcium phosphate.
Sourcing  Phosphoric Acid (E338) is the root ingredient for every variation of the Calcium Phosphate to be made. Whereas the former is produced either from Elemental Phosphorus or Phosphate Rock.
Manufacturing While there are many ways to do it, I believe that these are the most typical and common ones. For MCP, the sourcing ingredient (Phosphoric Acid) is combined with either Calcium Carbonate or Calcium Hydroxide (in acidic conditions, lower temperatures, or lower Calcium to Phosphate ratios), and the outcome of that undergoes evaporation and drying. For DCP, the same sourcing ingredient is mixed with Calcium Oxide or Calcium Hydroxide (in basic conditions, higher temperatures, or higher Calcium to Phosphate ratios). Then filtration, washing, drying, and milling are applied. For TCP, the same sourcing ingredient is reacted with calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide which is then subject to calcination at high temperatures (typically, ranging from 800°C to 1400°C).
Application Acidity regulator, stabilizer, anti-caking agent, emulsifier, leavening agent, and filling agent. Depending on the exact form, it is ranging from highly soluble to insoluble in water. To that end, MCP is highly water soluble, DCP is just soluble in water, whereas TCP is considered water-insoluble.
Acceptable Daily Intake None determined.
Side Effects Realistically, side effects can happen only in excessive amounts. In those cases, it can lead to upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and kidney damage. Additionally, high levels of it can also mess with the absorption of other minerals (for example, iron, zinc, and magnesium).
Benefits This additive can also be used as an active ingredient. To that end, it will provide the body with both Calcium and Phosphorus. Thus, this compound can contribute to the benefits associated with adequate amounts of these elements. Namely, it can improve heart health, boost muscle function, aid bones, enhance teeth health, promote nerve signaling, contribute to energy levels, protect against colon cancer, reduce the risk of kidney stones, and have other potential benefits.
Studies 20,895+ studies on Pubmed. More than 375+ studies on safety.
Allergens None.
Diet Restrictions None.
Health Knight Assessment Typically Beneficial. | Hence, it’s a Category 0 Additive.
Products Calcium Phosphate (E341) is found in an insane amount of processed foods which include pastries, yogurts, biscuits, bread, cheese spreads, crackers, brownies, ice creams, cookies, melted cheese, sausages, pancakes, waffles, fruit snacks, soft drink mixes, chicken meat products, cacao drinks, fruit grain bars, breakfast cereal, desserts, muffins, crunchy creams, instant cacaos, coffees (like macchiatos, etc.), pies, chocolate snacks, chicken nuggets, patties, crisps, gum, grilling cheeses, sandwiches, almond milk, peanut butter, hamburgers, pizzas, dressings, turkey meat products, cakes, mozzarella sticks, chips, cupcakes, wraps, madeleines, burritos, whip cream, donuts, cheese, egg rolls, sweets, chicken pies, tacos, tortillas, chocolate candy, and many, many, many more.

Calcium Phosphate (E341) Side Effects Are Very Not Realistic All Kinds And Shapes Of Cookies Can Have This As An Additive

A Bunch Of Pastries Have This Leavening Agent In Its Ingredients Crackers Can Have The Calcium Orthophosphate As Well

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