25 Best Fish Oil Supplements 2020 To Wipe Out Lies Of Others

Buyer’s Guide  |  Best Liquid Fish Oil (Most Effective)  |  Best Capsules & Softgels Fish Oil (Most Convenient)  |  Bull*hit Fish Oil  |  Final Thoughts  |  

This article on the best fish oil supplements 2020 is to remedy the existing situation. The existing situation of insane misrepresentation, commission-driven recommendations, flat out ignorance borderline people delusion.

Best Fish Oil Supplements 2020To that extent, this article will be like no other.

Not only will we discuss the criteria and the list of the best supplements in the category but also we’ll dig through the worst and most misrepresented fish oil supplements we can typically find on other best-of lists across the web. Supplements that often really have no justification to even remotely be on such lists.

During the research for this article, I went over, evaluated, and assessed every single supplement I could find online.

All in efforts to create the most advanced, comprehensive, and up-to-date guide out there.

Thus, I’m fairly confident that not only will this be profoundly insightful but it will also be an amazing time saver for anyone and will ensure that you have more time to focus on things that truly matter.

Buyer’s Guide – What You Really Need To Pay Attention To & What Can Almost Be Left Out

To say that there is a lot of unthorough information out there, would be a complete understatement.

It’s not rare to see that various lists overemphasize aspects that really should be paid less (or least) attention to in that equation of a great fish oil supplement. And what’s worse, they downplay the role of aspects that really are everything.

I’ve narrowed it down to 3 crucial factors that I feel are the most important. But then there are additional ones that do kind of play around those core three. Then it’s up to sustainability, price, accessibility, certifications, and in small part also other beneficial ingredients. All else is pretty irrelevant.

The Potency Of Fish Oil Determines How Potentially Useful It Can Be & EPA/DHA Ratio

While many supplements tend to emphasize the amounts of fish oil they provide, it’s not all that’s to it. Meaning, while this can somewhat contribute to how beneficial the supplement can be, it’s not what directly determines it.

Instead, what we’re all primary after is how much Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) the supplement offers. These two are the most essential part of anything that contains Omega-3 Fatty Acids and thus, one of the most crucial aspects of any Fish Oil and Omega-3 supplement [RR, R, R, R, R, R, R, R].

The Potency Of The Fish Oil Is Extremely ImportantOr in other words, a supplement that provides 1000 mg of fish oil, of which 600 mg are Omega-3 Fatty Acids, is worth very little if it doesn’t provide any EPA or DHA (though other Omega-3s are also important). But to that end, how much EPA and DHA should we aim for when choosing [R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R]?

That question is a pretty tricky one.

A lot of different opinions exist on this. And a lot of different approaches can be viable based on the exact goal of such supplementation. However, I feel one is definitely for sure. It’s not okay to overdo or completely ignore and render as useless one or the other. They’re both incredibly important [RRRRRR, RR, R, R, R].

That said, at this time, it seems to me that the most optimal approach for general health and well-being is likely the same one that the best practices for nutrient amounts subscribe to. At least a number of high-profile doctors and a good count of well-designed studies agree on this [R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R].

So, we’re effectively speaking of at least 1000 mg of fish oil in which there’s 300 mg of EPA and 200 mg of DHA twice a day for an attempt at the full range of benefits. Or to paraphrase, the very minimum of 2000 mg of Fish Oil daily that contains at least 600 mg of EPA and 400 mg of DHA.

But while this is a number to be guided by, it may as well be that going with reasonably higher concentrations can potentially be even more advantageous [R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R].

So, if anything, this is kind of a lower margin for how much we’ll consider the fish oil supplement viable. But the more the better while not overstepping the upper tolerable margin of 3000-5000 milligrams while also being reasonable and keeping the ratio of 3:2 alive (but being flexible about it) [R, R, R, R, R, R].

The Quality & Purity Are By Far The Most Important Aspects Of Any Supplement Of This Kind

I guess it goes without saying and it’s common knowledge these days that our oceans and seas are rather polluted, to say the least. And naturally, that affects wildlife, especially fish and plants, that live there. Or to be more specific, these toxins and other hazards that are unleashed into the sea have a tendency to accumulate not only in plants but also in the fatty tissues of the fish.

Why is this significant?

This is bad because fish oil derived from these kinds of fish can be extremely toxic and detrimental to health and with that in its effects far outweigh any potential positives to the brain, heart, cell function, and otherwise. That, of course, is unless the fish oil is properly purified [R, RR, R, R, R, R, R, R, R].

The Quality And Purity Are The Most Important AspectsIn that regard, there is not a single doubt that the purity and quality of any fish oil supplement is everything.

I mean, it’s the most crucial consideration to assess of all. Because no matter how great the numbers of the supplement are, how high the EPAs and DHAs, or what kind of additives, or even how affordable, it all doesn’t matter one bit if the fish oil contains harmful levels of various toxins, mercury, lead, and whatnot.

So, how do we do it?

We look for third-party certifications of fish oil’s purity: a proper assurance that its safe from hazards. But for all else that has not been third-party tested, we assume the worst-case scenario. Namely, we simply presume that they will be a health hazard and are not properly purified. Why else would they neglect third-party testing when it’s pretty much universally agreed to be the only way to guarantee purity, potency, safety, freshness?

Additionally, throughout researching for the best fish oil supplements (list below) we will also compare the purity data specifically. Or to completely paraphrase the essence of this and what I mean, we’ll do it in two layers.

First, we make sure any supplement worth considering is third-party tested by IFOS, NSF, USP, or any other third-party entity whose certificates of analysis are available to consumers. Second, we compare the latest purity, potency, and safety data whenever any two supplements are exactly the same or insignificantly differ in terms of all critical aspects listed in this guide.

Additives Play A Significant Role In the Equation, Too – More Significant Than Many Give The Credit To

If you’ve ever looked at any best-of list ever, you’re probably very familiar with the fact that not a lot of lists pay any attention to the additives a supplement uses. And that’s up to a point where many supplements that use quite undesirable ones, to say the least, somehow land on or near the top of those lists.

Additives Contribute Massively To The Overall Viability Of Fish OilsBut that I feel is very narrow-minded and even short-sighted.

This is mainly because as any substance we consume, additives too can affect our health. And if we’re not careful enough, or at least mindful about them to an extent, they can bring true havoc upon our heads, especially in the long-term. Even rather small amounts of these ingredients have the capacity to do that [R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R].

In this regard, many people hold the illusion that governments and states regulate everything to make sure stuff is not harmful to people. If only that would be the case. The reality is rather that any such regulations are largely influenced by the respective industry’s interests and rarely are based in non-biased, consumer-oriented, comprehensive research.

To that end, naturally, with the best fish oil supplements, we are only after those supplements that contain the safest of those added ingredients. Meaning, we’re after those that are the least likely to have any negative impact on health (while keeping in mind that such a possibility can’t be completely ruled out due to allergies and a few other factors).

Some of the most commonly used safe additives in fish oil supplements are Beeswax, Beta-Carotene, Cellulose, D-Alpha Tocopheryl, Distilled Water, Fractionated Coconut Oil, Gelatin, Glycerin, Lactic Acid, Natural Tocopherol, Mixed Tocopherols, Olive Oil, Purified Water, Silicon Dioxide or Silica, Tocopherols, and Vitamin E.

Sustainability, Price, Accessibility, Certifications & Other Additions – Extra Factors To Consider

So, here’s a little run down of secondary aspects that also do play a role in selecting the best. The most important of them – sustainability.

Sustainability stands for the kind of fish oil that is sourced from sustainable fish resources (fisheries). This is important because without responsible sourcing there will soon be none to go around. And that would be an irreversible disaster for the longevity of the planet.

Sustainability Matters A Whole LotIn this regard, ideally, we’re looking for third-party certifications that do approve the use of only sustainable fish for the oils found in supplements. So, primarily it’s either Friend of The Sea (FOS) or Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certifications.

Then it’s about the price. Any supplement that’s not a good bet for the money is likely a bad choice. The reason being, there are plenty of incredible supplements that are nowhere near breaking the bank. In truth, they’re often cheaper than their low-quality counterparts. Far more reasonably priced. And much, much better in essentially every aspect of the game.

Then it’s about accessibility. While I do believe all fish oils globally deserve a fair shot at the best-of list, the very, very best (top of the list) supplements must be accessible. Meaning, there’s no purpose of having a truly great supplement somewhere in Turkey, which is essentially impossible to get. Thus, they have to be available to ship, reasonably affordable to ship, and their ingredient information must be available in English.

Then it’s about certifications. While the manufacturer’s own claims of Non-GMO-ness and similar are great, they bring far more weight if they are approved by a third-party organization. Thus, those that do definitely deserve a boost in their ranking.

Lastly, with other additions, I refer to the additional beneficial substances that from time to time get added to fish oil supplements. But be that as it may, all of them must be treated like any other addition.

Meaning, they can’t really make up for what would otherwise be an inadequate or terrible quality fish oil. Namely, sure, if everything else is exactly or very, very close apart (all of the mentioned factors, including price) having an added beneficial substance would make it a slightly more superior supplement. Thus, it would deserve to be ranked higher. Other than that, I feel it matters truly insignificantly.

12 Best Liquid Fish Oil Supplements 2020 – For Those That Want Maximum Benefit

Going for a liquid supplement is definitely the more cumbersome approach. We typically have to store it in a refrigerator. And there’s always this notion that we have to have a teaspoon nearby otherwise we can’t properly measure how much is the serving size. So, they’re properly onerous if you’re going on a trip or have to travel somewhere.

But the better part is that they typically contain far fewer additives. They are far easier to swallow. And they are significantly more abundant and thus, to an extent, more beneficial, worthwhile, helpful.

So, generally speaking, these are the best choices if you’re okay to give up some convenience to enjoy the maximum benefit such a supplement can provide.

No. 1 | Nutrigold Pure Fish Oil Omega-3 Gold (Review) – Truly Pushing The Limits Of What’s Possible

Nutrigold Pure Fish Oil Omega-3 Gold ReviewI’m very confident there isn’t a single Fish Oil supplement out there that is as abundantly third-party certified, as high-quality, and as affordable as the Nutrigold Pure Fish Oil Omega-3 Gold [R].

Every batch of supplements is not tested for purity, potency, and freshness only once. No. They are tested both by the independent labs that Nutrigold typically tests all of their supplements with and by the International Fish Oil Standards Program (IFOS), which is a third-party organization that specializes specifically in the testing of fish oils.

Moreover, they’re absolutely transparent with all of that (which is very rare). Not only do we get full access to IFOS testing results, but also the certificates of analysis by those other independent labs are fully available as well. This overall, I feel is the best, most transparent, and trustworthy way how to go about third-party testing [R, R, R].

Like that wouldn’t be enough, the Fish Oil Omega-3 Gold is also verified Non-GMO by Non-GMO Project Verified. This only reaffirms the idea (double-approved by the already mentioned independent labs) that there are no GMO ingredients in the product that could harm or in any way comprise our health.

And on top of that, the supplement is also MSC Certified. Namely, they source their fish oil from fisheries that care deeply about the longevity and future of our planet’s oceans (sustainable fisheries). So, not only is it of incredible quality and purity but it also makes sure it doesn’t put the environment on a backfoot.

As for the contents, It’s one of the most abundant ones to find per teaspoon. To that end, the supplement offers 4500 milligrams of Fish Oil or 2700 milligrams of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in r-Triglyceride form. Of those 2700 milligrams, we get 1400 milligrams of EPA, 900 milligrams of DHA, and 400 milligrams of other Omega-3s. Which is pretty busted.

Also, we’re looking at only two additives – Natural Lemon Flavor and Non-GMO Mixed Tocopherols – which given the certificates of analysis and, as far as I can tell, beyond superb manufacturing practices are more than likely to be not only harmless but, in fact, beneficial [RRRRR].

I mean, if this all of this sounds too biased, I can’t help it. If I had to imagine the perfect fish oil supplement, this would be it. I mean, it’s just everything about it. Including the price. I mean, truly amazing value for the price. Plus, there’s a 60-day no questions asked money-back guarantee (minus shipping).

So, this is the exact fish oil I look forward to swapping to when it becomes affordably available on an international scale.

No. 2 | Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega Liquid (Review) – The Most Badass Fish Oil Currently Available

Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega Liquid ReviewNordic Naturals Ultimate Omega Liquid is like the most badass fish supplement at the moment. It adds tons of Omega-3 and does so without any compromises in terms of additives or overall quality [R].

So, per serving (1 teaspoon) of this we get 2840 milligrams of Omega-3 of which 1460 milligrams are EPA, 1010 milligrams are DHA, and 370 milligrams are other Omega-3s. So, very abundant and more abundant than its predecessor on this list in these paramount fatty acids. But that’s just the beginning of awesomeness for this one.

Arguably the best bit is the certifications that it comes with. Not only is this supplement third-party tested and in that complies with even the stringiest of standards for purity (like IFOS, USP, etc.) and is Non-GMO verified, but also it’s Friend Of The Sea and a supplement frequently used in clinical research.

Or to paraphrase, it enjoys really high quality and has been tested for purity, potency, freshness, and safety by a third-party laboratory. With that, it has been also Non-GMO verified to ensure that any added ingredients it contains are not GMO in nature and thus, is only of the most beneficial (and harmless) kind possible.

Furthermore, similarly to Nutrigold, they think and deeply care about the longevity of our planet. And thus, the Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega fish oil is only made out of fish of sustainable fisheries. Moreover, the supplement is so good in every aspect of its being that it gets used in clinical research quite a bit whenever researchers need a reliable Omega-3 supplement to test their hypotheses with.

And rightfully so. Because the supplement and their superb manufacturing practices ensure that it does not contain a single ingredient (speaking of additives) that could ever compromise its beneficialness or bring any side-effects. Plus, it has also managed to pick up a few awards along the way.

The only real thing about this Nordic Naturals Omega-3 that I’m not so keen on is the price. It’s also the reason why I think it doesn’t deserve to be named as the very best. Also, I would prefer it to have an extra layer of IFOS or NSF certification in terms of purity, not just their trusted third-party labs.

All that said, it’s still a pretty amazing value for the price. We also get the privilege of exploring the certificates of analysis for any supplement. And overall, in every way, I think it’s just a remarkably high-value product.

So, this is the exact fish oil I feel I will, for now, switch to once my current stash runs out.

No. 3 | Wiley’s Finest Peak Omega-3 (Review) – For Peak Performance & Everything That’s Related To It

Wiley's Finest Peak Omega-3 ReviewWiley’s Finest Peak Omega-3 rounds off the top three of the best fish oil supplements for 2020. It’s big on certifications, fish oil’s potency, and only the best of ingredients [R].

With one tablespoon of the supplement, you’re getting 4500 milligrams of Fish Oil of which 2400 milligrams are Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Or to be more precise, 1300 milligrams of EPA, 850 milligrams of DHA, and 250 milligrams of other Omega-3s in Triglyceride form.

So, some great numbers, plus IFOS 5-star certification for purity, potency, and freshness. Then there’s NSF certification approves that the supplement and all its ingredients have been tested and certified also by this widely-known third-party organization. And we won’t find GMOs in this one either.

In fact, as additives, this one uses the exact same two that Pure Fish Oil Omega-3 Gold of Nutrigold uses. And given it’s dedication and attention to detail as far as quality goes, it’s likely quite a similar matter. Namely, not only the two ingredients are more than likely to be harmless, but also they can be coined beneficial.

So, essentially, almost guaranteed to have no side-effects to mess with the overall beneficialness of the thing.

But to add to that, again, similarly to the Nutrigold supplement before it on this list, the Wiley’s Finest Peak Omega-3 is also MSC certified. Or to paraphrase, its fish oil created from sustainable fisheries of Alaskan Fish to ensure the longevity of the planet. Which is, no doubt, a very mindful and great thing.

So, this is the exact supplement to go for if for any reason either of the previous two supplements is unavailable or for any reason, you feel more like doing some experimenting with this one over the others.

No. 4 | Wiley’s Finest Kosher Fish Oil
No. 5 | Carlson Laboratories Very Finest Fish Oil
No. 6 | Natural Factors SeaRich Omega-3
No. 7 | See Yourself Well / Nutratec Life Sciences Omega-3 1500 Lemon
No. 8 | Webber Naturals Crystal Clean from the Sea® Omega-3
No. 9 | Sealicious Sea-Licious Tangerine Lime
No. 10 | Wiley’s Finest Beginner’s DHA 125 ml
No. 11 | Health First Omega-First Liquid
No. 12 | Genuine Health Omega3+ Natural Orange

13 Best Softgel & Capsule Fish Oil Supplements 2020 – For Those That Prefer Convenience

As you can probably already tell by the title of this section and the intro of the previous one, softgel and capsule versions of fish oil supplements are generally the far more convenient option.

There’s no need for a teaspoon or refrigeration. Which basically means that they’re as easy to consume as a supplement can ever be. Furthermore, you’re not reliant on big (or not that big) cold box to keep the fish oil fresh and beneficial for use. So, you can store it almost anywhere or take it with you at all times without any concern for it becoming rancid.

Also, these are typically far easier to swallow than tablets. And many of them have the capacity to protect us from fishy burbs. This can be terribly annoying and unpleasant but truth told are more an inconvenience than anything.

And at the same time, capsules and softgels tend to not be able to provide as much of EPAs, DHAs, and other Omega-3s as their liquid counterparts per teaspoon. Still, they are undeniably the more convenient and hassle-free option.

No. 1 | Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega Softgels (Review) – The Most Convenient & The Most Potent Of Its Kind

Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega Softgels ReviewThe softgels of the Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega are essentially just like its liquid counterpart. It’s quality, it’s third-party tested, it’s Non-GMO verified, and it’s Friend of Sea Certified, only in a different dosage form [R].

Per serving (two softgels), they offer 1280 milligrams of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Of these, we get 650 milligrams of EPA, 450 milligrams of DHA, and 180 milligrams of other Omega-3s. And ideally, we get that twice a day.

Similarly to its liquid brother, while this supplement hasn’t been tested IFOS, NSF, or USP, it has still gotten some proper independent testing from its own third-party laboratory of choice. And according to those results, it surpasses even the stringiest of standards in the industry for purity (like IFOS). Plus, we get full access to their certificates of analysis.

The third-party laboratory also tests for Non-GMO which this supplement has none of. Then there’s also Friend of Sea certification, which, again, to repeat myself, is for the well-being and longevity of our planet proving that the fish used in the making of this fish oil is only from sustainable resources.

Lastly, as far as the added ingredients go, there are a couple more than what the liquid version has: Gelatin, Glycerin, Water, Natural Lemon Flavor, D-Alpha Tocopherol, and Rosemary extract. Still, all of them are beyond harmless as most fit the beneficial mold.

So, a potent, easy to consume, easy to store, fishy-burps-free, high-quality, third-party tested supplement to deliver awesome value to anyone who dares to go for it.

This is the exact one I might ultimately end up going for over a liquid one purely out of convenience and easiness to consume.

No. 2 | Carlson Laboratories Elite Omega-3 Gems (Review) – Gems Of Nature; Ethyl Esters As Good As Triglycerides

Carlson Laboratories Elite Omega-3 Gems ReviewCarlson Laboratories Elite Omega-3 Gems are truly like gems to our well-being as cocky as that sounds. It’s a wild-caught, sustainably sourced, heart-, brain-, and vision-promoting supplement which is one of the most abundant softgel supplements we’ll find [R].

Per serving of 2 softgels, we get 1600 milligrams of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Of these, 800 milligrams are of EPA, 600 milligrams are of DHA, and 200 milligrams are of other Omega-3s. So, ideally, it’s a one-softgel-twice-a-day type of supplement but we always have the option of augmenting that to 3 (or even 4) a day if we feel there’s a need to.

As for the additives, there’s a couple: Beef Gelatin, Glycerin, Water, Natural Lemon Flavor, and Natural Mixed Tocopherols. Thus, similarly to all the other fish oil supplements we already discussed, this one also puts to use only truly harmless additives that really are better than harmless. But there’s more that adds to the quality of this Carlson Labs thing.

The supplement has some very good results in terms of purity, potency, and freshness. It’s been 5-star rated by IFOS ensuring the highest quality which is further emphasized by two other certifications.

First, there’s the IGEN Non-GMO certification proving that the supplement is completely free of genetically modified organisms. Second, it’s also FOS (Friend Of the Sea) certified, thus, ensuring that any fish oil it uses is only acquired from sustainable fisheries, hence, doing its part in the safeguarding of the planet.

Some may be put off by the fact that the supplement uses Ethyl Ester form for its Fish Oil. Per wide-spread convictions, this form is twice less effective when compared to the Triglyceride form. However, I feel research does not approve that at all [R].

True, there is a difference in terms of the beneficialness in the short-term (2 weeks) in favor of Triglycerides (as Ethyl Esters are considered of the slow-release kind). However, long-term studies unanimously agree that there is no difference. The benefits and effectiveness are the same [R, R, R, R].

And thus, given that Fish Oil supplement, is something that one should use regularly and definitely for more than two weeks, it makes no sense to me to handicap Ethyl Ester fish oils. In fact, many well-designed studies involving Omega-3 supplements use exactly this form of fish oil [R, R, R]

Thus, this is the exact supplement that I would without hesitation go for if the Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega Softgels were not to exist or were out of stock at the time.

No. 3 | Life Extension Clearly EPA DHA (Review) – A Lot Of Promise To Better Health

Life Extension Clearly EPA DHA ReviewLife Extension Clearly EPA DHA is another great example of what truly great Fish Oil supplement should look like. But what sets it apart from its competitors is the full one-year money-back guarantee [R].

In terms of the beneficial contents, it’s similar to the ones before it. It provides 1786 milligrams of Fish Oil per serving or two softgels. Of which, there are 750 milligrams EPA and 500 milligrams DHA. And which is recommended to be taken twice a day (namely, two servings a day).

The purity, potency, freshness, and safety of this one have been tested by IFOS. And it received the highest 5-star rating. It’s also Non-GMO LE certified. And supposedly also sourced from Friend Of The Sea certified sustainable fisheries (which we, however, can’t check as the supplement is created for them not by them as indicated on the label).

It also has been appreciated by ConsumerLab quite a bit. Whereas as far as additives go, it’s the typical four we’ve already seen by other softgel supplements of this kind. So, nothing harmful. Everything fully devoted to benefits for heart, brain, joint, vascular function, and more. No fishy burps or aftertaste is also what they’re about.

But I feel the most iconic thing about this brand is that they’re so confident in their product that they offer a 365-day money-back guarantee for anyone that is not 100% satisfied with the purchase.

So, this is the exact supplement I would go for if none of the previous ones on this list would exist.

No. 4 | Xymogen (Atlantic Pro-Nutrients) OmegaPure 780 EC
No. 5 | Nutrileya Nutriregular omega 3
No. 6 | Ecovik ApS AstaOmega+
No. 7 | WHC UnoCardio 1000
No. 8 | VeNatura Ultra Omega-3
No. 9 | WHC UnoCardio X2
No. 10 | Xymogen (Atlantic Pro-Nutrients) OmegaPure 900 EC™
No. 11 | Xymogen (Atlantic Pro-Nutrients) OmegaPure 820™
No. 12 | Sorvagen Omega 3 Plus
No. 13 | DaVinci Laboratories Omega 3 HP-D

29 Misrepresented & Worst (Bull*hit) Fish Oil Supplements 2020 – Don’t Fall For These Ones

There’s a lot of misinformation out there of what proper fish oil supplements (Omega-3 Fatty Acid supplements) look like. And this section deals specifically with that.

It’s about showing, analyzing, and explaining exactly why these particular supplements typically listed on many other best-of lists and bestseller lists are nothing of that bread. Meaning, they’re claimed to be among the best but, in reality, they’re not really that. And I will illustrate precisely why.

But please don’t get me wrong. I don’t know all the things. However, I’ve done my research, and I feel the examples below are a testament to poor research, ignorance, negligence, greed for commissions, or any combination of the mentioned.

*** | AMRAP Nutrition Fish Oil (Review) – A Supplement That Seems To Care About Quality Very Little

The main problem with AMRAP Nutrition Fish Oil is the third-party testing aspect. It hasn’t been approved by any of the large third-party organizations. Neither do they provide any certificates of analysis for us to see [R].

I mean, yes, their packaging does contain a seal that suggests that the supplement has been supposedly independently tested. However, I don’t buy that. Meaning, there are all kinds of standards for purity and we’ve no idea if the supplement complies with either one.

I mean, just because it’s third-party tested it does not automatically mean its good enough.

Moreover, I couldn’t find a single page explaining or addressing the quality aspect of AMRAP Nutrition as a supplement brand. Namely, if they don’t care enough to introduce us to what kind of quality they subscribe to, maybe it’s not something they’re too concerned with.

And if it’s not something they’re too concerned with, I don’t think it deserves to be referred or even considered to be one of the best fish oil supplements, especially, given how harmful such supplements can be if manufacturing’s not top-notch. It’s also not a member of the GOED monograph (manufacturers that promise to adhere to certain standards when it comes to fish oil’s purity) [R].

We shouldn’t have to be guessing anything. There are so many great supplements that we don’t have to do that with. So, it just doesn’t make sense to buy this over any of those. Thus, overall, I have to say I think it’s not smart to go for this one just in general. I personally wouldn’t ever.

Also, 600 milligrams of EPA + DHA per 2 softgels is not a lot. That’s pretty scarce.

*** | Arazo Nutrition Omega 3 Fish Oil (Review) – GMO Soy & Haven’t Been Third-Party Tested; A Disgrace

It’s sad to see that other lists out there persist on supplements like the Arazo Nutrition Omega 3 Fish Oil as some of the best ones [R].

The biggest issue with it is the fact that it hasn’t third-party tested at all. And so, it’s potentially one of those fish oil supplements that can harm you more than bring any good.

On top of that, it doesn’t use GMO-Free ingredients. Thus, given that it contains soy, it can also cause quite a bit of inflammation. Also, cancer, mineral deficiencies, infertility are some of the additional stuff associated with GMO soy [RRR, RRR].

So, overall, this is definitely a supplement to avoid.

Calling it even remotely “the best” is such a disgrace.

*** | Battle Ready Fuel Fish Oil (Review) – No Third-Party Certification; Low EPA and DHA Amounts Per Softgel

While the Battle Ready Fuel Fish Oil supplement may sound nice, it lacks the most important aspect of all [R].

It hasn’t been third-party tested. So, I would not assume any otherwise; it’s likely contaminated. And to add to that, it’s not even a member of the GOED monograph [R].

Also, the supplement offers only 300 milligrams of combined EPA and DHA per softgel. Which is not a lot, to say the least. I mean, that’s stupid low amounts.

I’ve personally gone over far more than 500 other fish oil supplements that are way more abundant of these paramount substances. How can anyone looking at this conclude that it’s the best out there?

Granted, to make up for the shortcomings, they offer a 60-day money-back guarantee. But I wouldn’t consume them even if they came free.

*** | BioGanix Ultra Omega-3 Fish Oil Triple Strength (Review) – Promises, Promises But Forgets Third-Party Testing

BioGanix Ultra Omega-3 Fish Oil Triple Strength is yet another Fish Oil supplement that hasn’t been third-party tested by any of the big organizations or any organization for that matter [R].

I mean, this one is quite ridiculous, really.

They emphasize so much that they’re all about quality. They even go as far as saying that they “strive to go beyond high-quality supplements at affordable prices.” And their mantra is “Invest in your health” [R].

Yeah, it’s completely alien to me as to how can you claim to do “beyond high-quality” and at the same time not third-party test your fish oils for purity.

To that end, I feel BioGanix is just another of those manufacturers who like to talk the talk but not walk the walk.

And we can forget about sustainable fisheries or other certifications with this one. It embraces none of that.

*** | BioSchwartz Omega 3 Fish Oil (Review) – Potentially A Solid Supplement But Doesn’t Keep Up With The Best

BioSchwartz Omega 3 Fish Oil is probably one of the most frequently mentioned supplements on other best-of lists. But I feel it’s not really that. So, a lot of misleading to go around [R].

Sure, the supplement offers solid EPA and DHA amounts. It has got some great additives. Plus, they’re Non-GMO (though they have not acquired third-party certification for that). And it’s even FOS (Friend Of the Sea) approved (acquired from sustainable sources).

However, there is one aspect I’m not keen on. At all.

It has to do with third-party testing for purity.

Although BioSchwartz does embrace that, they don’t use any of the large organizations. Furthermore, they don’t disclose their certificates of analysis. Moreover, they’re not part of GOED monograph [R, R].

So, what does that mean?

It basically means that although this supplement has been tested we have no way of knowing what kind of purity standards if any it adheres to. And that’s bad as that single aspect is one of the most important ones of all when considering fish oils supplements.

So, given that they do not disclose their certificates of analysis, we have no reason to assume that their product is capable enough to rival something like the IFOS standards. Thus, as I see it, it doesn’t make sense to rate it higher than any supplement which has actually acquired that seal.

I mean, if BioSchwartz Omega 3 Fish Oil is such high-quality and best fish oil material, why they themselves do not embrace the IFOS testing?

*** | Brain Power Plus Omega-3 Fish Oil – Promises 100% Premium Quality But Likely Doesn’t Deliver

I really don’t understand supplements like Brain Power Plus Omega-3 Fish Oil. It’s again that breed that promises us the best quality, best manufacturing practices, best everything. This one even promises third-party testing [R].

But is that something we should take their word for it?

No. They don’t bother to acquire even one proper certification.

They say that they are Non-GMO. But they don’t seek out entities like Non-GMO Project Verified to verify that. They say that they source their fish oil sustainably. Yet, again, they don’t seek out entities like FOS or MSC to properly prove that. And best of all, they say they do third-party testing but then they don’t bother to seek out something like IFOS.

Which does make me question their actual quality.

I mean, IFOS been around for quite some time. And it’s doubtful that Brain Power+ as a fish oil supplement manufacturer is unaware of them. And so, if that is the case, why do they not embrace their testing (high-quality, right)?

To me, that doesn’t make sense. That is, unless the Omega-3 Fish Oil of Brain Power+ is not that great in terms of purity. Then it makes perfect sense.

Ultimately, there are too many high-quality actually third-party tested fish oil supplements to have to go with one that simply claims to be independently tested (plus, it’s not a mark of a truly high-quality product).

*** | BulkSupplements Pure Fish Oil (Review) – Just An Overall Lame Supplement

Yeah, I don’t know how supplements like the BulkSupplements Pure Fish Oil ever get enlisted on a best-of list [R].

At its core, it’s just a truly unremarkable supplement.

No third-party certifications, no sustainability, no third-party purity testing. Such low EPA and DHA amounts per softgel. But decent additives [R].

It doesn’t even offer a real, proper money-back guarantee if we didn’t like the supplement that many other supplement manufacturers do to somewhat make up for the otherwise often questionable quality [R].

There’s just nothing going for this one.

Arguably, one of the worst around.

*** | Carlson Cod Liver Oil Liquid (Review) – A Great Supplement Persisting On A Different Kind Of Ratio

The Carlson Cod Liver Oil Liquid 1,100 Mg is a truly great supplement [R].

It offers 1,100 milligrams of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, of which 500 milligrams are DHA and 400 milligrams are EPA. It also adds some vitamin A, D, and E to the mix. And it uses only one additive that given their manufacturing is likely harmless, to the least.

Moreover, the supplement is tested by IFOS for purity, potency, and freshness, by IGEN for Non-GMO contents, and approved by FOS due to them using only fish oil from sustainable fisheries [R, R].

So, where is the problem here?

The only thing we can really call it out for is the EPA/DHA ratio, which is far from 3:2. So, for general health, this might not be as great as some of the others. Mainly because as the lists above suggest there are a great number of fish oil supplements that do abide by the ratio. But that’s definitely disputable.

It definitely makes more sense to ruin the ratio while leaning more on DHA. And with that, it may as well be no less beneficial than the very, very best.

Still, for the time being, I would not regard it as one among them. But be that as it may, this may though be a very viable option for people battling certain kinds of conditions which call for a different type of EPA/DHA ratio.

*** | Carlson Cod Liver Oil Gems (Review) – EPA & DHA Amounts Are Scarce & Not Actually IFOS Certified

The Carlson Cod Liver Oil Gems is basically the same supplement that Carlson Cod Liver Oil Liquid is. The only difference lies in the dosage form and thus, how much can we get out of it per serving. Or at least, so I initially thought [R].

Here, per two softgels, we get 460 milligrams of Omega-3s of which 170 milligrams are EPA and 200 milligrams are DHA. There are also minute amounts of vitamins A, D, and E. But after that, it goes kind of downhill.

While, overall, I feel this one’s already not viable at all due to how little EPA and DHA amounts it actually provides, it’s not actually IFOS certified [R].

There are two other supplements with similar names that have been verified like Cod Liver Oil Gems Lightly Lemon and Cod Liver Oil Gems Super 1,000. But the EPA & DHA profile for either doesn’t fit this one, the one for the Carlson Cod Liver Oil Gems. So, it must be a separate supplement (Carlson Labs are known for their extremely similar names).

Thus, given that this one lacks basic third-party certification, not a good option. Avoid.

*** | Dr. Tobias Triple Strength Omega-3 Fish Oil (Review) – Enteric Coating Likely Hides Harmful Ingredients

Superficially speaking Dr. Tobias Triple Strength Omega-3 Fish Oil is a pretty solid supplement. It offers solid amounts of fish oil. Moreover, it doesn’t forget about great EPA + DHA amounts. It’s also NSF-certified for potency, freshness, and purity. Which is great [R].

At the same time, there is a couple of stuff why I wouldn’t consider it among the very best. I mean, while the EPA/DHA ratio is not at its greatest, there are things far more concerning.

And that has all to do with the additives this supplement uses.

Dr. Tobias Triple Strength Omega-3 Fish Oil utilizes supposedly five different other ingredients: Gelatin (bovine), Vegetable Glycerin, Purified Water, Natural Vitamin E, and Enteric Coating. While I have no problem with the first four, the fifth I have every problem with.

Enteric Coatings typically are used in fish oil products to ensure that they don’t create fishy burps or fishy taste in the mouth. And thus, supposedly it’s a necessity (as many see it). But at what cost?

The thing about Enteric Coatings is that there are no such ingredients known as “Enteric Coating.” What it really is, it’s an addition that’s made out of other ingredients. Meaning, Enteric Coating is a function that gets ensured by the supplement and not the exact ingredients used to make that happen.

To that end, it’s essentially a label to hide other ingredients that we don’t know anything about because Dr. Tobias’ brand doesn’t bother to disclose them. Hence, wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume that it’s probably the worst-case scenario in terms of them? I mean, why else would they not clearly disclose what ingredients they use for it?

But be that as it may, as far as I’m aware, Enteric Coating is typically made out of either of the two ingredients in combination with others: Polysorbate 80 or Shellac. Both (especially the first) can be extremely detrimental if consumed long-term. And they’re not good news for the short-term either [RRRRRRRRRRR, RRRR].

And that’s not a mark of a great supplement, no matter how burpless they make it. And that is, even more, the case considering that any fish oil supplement can be made burpless if you freeze the capsules before consuming them. So, Enteric Coatings have never been a necessity.

*** | Green Pasture Blue Ice Royal Blend Fermented Cod Liver Oil & Concentrated Butter Oil (Review) – Not Enough

Generally speaking, this Green Pasture Blue Ice Royal Blend Fermented Cod Liver Oil & Concentrated Butter Oil is a pretty badass supplement. Mainly because of what it persists on and the main idea behind it [R].

However, I don’t think it deserves to be named among the best. And there’s a couple of reasons for that.

First, it doesn’t specify what we are exactly getting. I mean, it’s Cod Liver Oil plus Butter Oil. But there’s no way of knowing how much you’re getting within one serving. How much Omega-3s, how much EPA and DHA, how much Butter Oil? How much of vitamin A or D (the naturally occurring ones)?

Sure, it’s nice that it’s essentially just like if you would consume raw Cod Liver Oil. But given the many fluctuations that the nutrients may have there (not only batch to batch but even supplement to supplement), I don’t think it’s possible to blindly assume it’s amazing.

For all we know, it may not be at that level of the very best fish oil supplements at all. I mean, it clearly doesn’t want to show for that. So, why would we uplift that kind of approach? What if everyone suddenly would start doing fish oils with no indication of Omega-3, as well as EPA and DHA contents?

Second, they note that “it is routinely tested for purity.” However, we don’t ever see a certificate of analysis clearly indicating how pure the thing is. And neither has it been tested by either of the big organizations that undertake third-party testing.

So, due to that reason alone, I feel there’s no way it deserves to be mentioned among the very best. Because the very best don’t do that.

*** | Healthy Directions Dr. Sinatra Omega Q Plus (Review) – Just Too Weak & Not The Greatest At Additives

I feel there are a couple of aspects why Healthy Directions Dr. Sinatra Omega Q Plus doesn’t deserve to be even remotely considered as the best for fish oil supplements [R].

First, per two softgels, we’re getting pretty miserable amounts of EPA plus DHA amounts. Moreover, the suggested use is about half short in terms of amounts of what we should be looking for in a proper fish oil supplement daily.

Second, there’s a ton of additives in this one. And what’s worse, not all of them I would consider harmless. For example, Annatto Color and Mannitol. Also, it’s the first time I see gamma-cyclodextrin being used in a supplement [RRRRR, RRRRRRR].

Thus, while the supplement does possess such indications of quality as having been NSF tested and MSC certified, it’s just not good enough to make it to the list. And by proper standards, it may not ever due to the low contents and additives [R].

*** | Healthy Fats Co. Omega-3 Fish Oil – Doesn’t Care About Third-Party Testing; Why Would We Care About It?

The Healthy Fats Co. Omega-3 Fish Oil does have some solid core contents. 1,500 milligrams of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, of which 800 milligrams of EPA and 600 milligrams of DHA. Also, the additives seem fine [R].

However, they do completely disregard the third-party testing aspect.

Thus, this just inherently is already a bad choice as it can likely contain harmful levels of contaminants and other admixtures.

On top of that, they use the FOS seal on their supplement, thus, implying that they use Fish Oil only from sustainable sources. However, I couldn’t find The Healthy Fats Co. among the FOS full list of approved customers, suppliers, and retailers [R].

So, I assume they may have been FOS in the past. But that’s no longer the case.

*** | InnovixLabs Triple Strength Omega-3 Fish Oil – The EPA/DHA Ratio Is Too Far Off For A Great

Generally speaking, the InnovixLabs Triple Strength Omega-3 Fish Oil is a pretty solid supplement [R].

It adds high amounts of EPA and DHA per single capsule. It uses only harmless additives. And it has also been tested by IFOS, the most demanding third-party laboratory in the field of fish oils.

So, why is this not mentioned among the very best?

It struggles with the same thing that Carlson Cod Liver Oil Liquid, OmegaVia Fish Oil, and Viva Naturals Ultra Strength Omega-3 Fish Oil do. It’s EPA/DHA ratio is quite off.

It should be at about 3:2. It’s more like at 2:1. While that’s not that bad, it would make far more sense to go the other direction with the DHA. More of that, less of EPA.

Other than that, while they do themselves claim that the supplement is Non-GMO, it doesn’t hold a third-party certification for that. Also, they do not use sustainable fish sources.

*** | Life & Food Omega 3 Supreme Strength (Review) – Shellac For Enteric Coating & EPA/DHA Ratio Is Off

The Life & Food Omega 3 Supreme Strength superficially is a pretty solid supplement [R].

It offers decent amounts of total Omega-3 amounts per two softgels. There’s a decent amount of combined EPA and DHA. Moreover, it has acquired the MSC certification as well. And it has also been examined by Labdoor [R].

To that end, while it may not be as extensively third-party tested as we would get from IFOS, it still seems that the supplement is pure enough to not cause a health hazard.

However, there are at least two reasons why I believe this supplement is not a good bet.

First, it’s EPA/DHA ratio isn’t exactly ideal. Within it, we’ll find 644 milligrams of EPA and 336 milligrams of DHA. Which doesn’t really constitute 3:2. It’s more like 2:1, which doesn’t make much sense (among other reasons DHA is universally the far more preferred acid).

Second (and that’s the more important reason), the additives within it are a problem. It uses Enteric Coating which among other ingredients consists of Shellac. And that’s something I wouldn’t consider harmless. In fact, it can be quite detrimental. Thus, it’s inevitably a mark of not the highest of quality fish oil. Something unworthy for the very best in this category [RRRR].

Also, while they do themselves claim that the supplement is free of GMOs, they haven’t bothered to get a third-party certification for that.

*** | LiveWell Labs Omegawell (Review) – Supposedly Third-Party Tested But That’s Not Enough

Overall, the LiveWell Labs Omegawell is definitely a solid supplement [R].

It offers great amounts of EPA and DHA per capsule with an okay ratio. The additives it uses are only of the most harmless kind. It’s said to be GMO-Free, Soy-Free, and all kinds of other free-of (no third-party certifications for this though). And it offers a 365-day money-back guarantee.

So, what’s up with this one?

It’s about its third-party certification. Although the supplement is said to embrace that, it’s done by neither of the big organizations. Furthermore, they do not disclose certificates of analysis. Which to reminisce other similar supplements in this regard, isn’t exactly ideal.

Mainly because we’ve no idea as regards to what kind of standard the Omegawell lives up to if any. LiveWell Labs is not even a part of the GOED monograph [R].

So, I truly feel that going with this kind of supplement is no better than to go with one that does not claim to be third-party tested at all.

*** | MAV Nutrition Fish Oil Premium Omega-3 (Review) – Empty Promises & Misleading Description Page

MAV Nutrition likes to “boast of the highest-quality all-natural ingredients.” But when it comes to actually deliver value with their MAV Nutrition Fish Oil Premium Omega-3 supplement (also referred to as MAV Nutrition Omega 3 Fish Oil Triple Strength), they’re like most other brands out there [R, R].

Empty promises.

This Fish Oil supplement is not actually third-party tested. And thus, it can likely bring more harm than good. Which goes without saying, isn’t a mark of a great supplement.

Moreover, I feel they are truly dishonest on their description page. For example, they claim “Our Premium Series Fish Oil is 100% natural and pure with no additives [..].” But then when you check the label for additives, it says Gelatin, Glycerol, Water, Natural Lemon Flavor [R].

And to add to that, given how vague and generic their quality page is, I don’t think that Lemon Flavor is actually a harmless ingredient here.

Also, I’ve seen some best-of lists mentioning this as a supplement that is NSF certified (tested ingredients). But I checked the NSF approved list. It’s not there [R, R].

*** | Nature’s Bounty Fish Oil 1200 Mg (Review) – Weak With A Lot Of Guessing Involved

A lot of best-of lists list the twin-pack of Nature’s Bounty Fish Oil 1200 Mg as one of the best fish oil supplements. That’s likely due to the price that we can get that for. Still, despite the price, I don’t think it’s a smart option and neither do I believe it deserves to be listed among the very best [R].

This is mainly for at least three reasons.

First, we have no way of knowing what the actual EPA and DHA amounts are. They promise that per softgel there will be a total of 360 milligrams of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. But EPA and DHA are not the only Omega-3s. Thus, it’s almost indisputable that the EPA plus DHA amount is at least (or quite) a bit below 360 milligrams.

Hence, even if we were to take 3 softgels daily as suggested, it’s likely that we wouldn’t fill that quota of at least 1000 milligrams minimum of EPA plus DHA daily. Consequently, the supplement is just too weak to really amount to anything.

The second reason kind of stems from the first. Given that the Nature’s Bounty Fish Oil 1200 Mg doesn’t indicate the exact EPA and DHA amounts, we’ve no way of knowing what the actual EPA/DHA ratio is. And should one ever have to guess something like that if the supplement is truly the best bread material?

Hell no.

Third, while they mention that the supplement is tested for purity and potency and Nature’s Bounty is a member of GOED monograph, I don’t think that’s good enough. There’s still a ton of blind spots and grey area with this combination [R].

And to me, calling that “the best” is just non-sensical when there are at least 400 other fish oil supplements that have been properly tested and take any guessing out of the equation.

For more on the supplement, visit my full review.

*** | Nature Made Burp-Less Fish Oil 1200 Mg (Review) – Hasn’t Actually Been USP Tested & Harmful Additives

While many of the Nature Made products get USP approved, the Nature Made Burp-Less Fish Oil 1200 Mg is not one of them. I have addressed the issue extensively in my full in-depth review on Nature Made Fish Oils [R, R].

I’ve no idea why Nature Made is doing third-party testing for certain fish oil supplements and then completely forgoing most other. To me, that makes no sense. Even more so because they still persist (or at least strongly imply) on their description pages on this notion that all of their supplements have been third-party tested [R].

By my books, that’s misleading. Because most people won’t check the USP verified products page to make sure.

Then there’s also the aspect of using not only a high number of additives but also potentially very hazardous ones. A prime example of this is Polysorbate 80 [RRRRRRRRRRR].

Avoid this one.

*** | New Chapter Wholemega Fish Oil (Review) – While Looks Great, It’s Too Weak To Truly Help

The New Chapter Wholemega Fish Oil is definitely an above-average Fish Oil supplement [R].

Its ingredients have been third-party tested by NSF. It uses solid added ingredients for the making of the dosage forms. It also adds a couple of other substances to make the supplement more beneficial. It’s Non-GMO approved by Non-GMO Project Verified. It’s also NSF Gluten-Free, as well as supposedly sustainably harvested (claimed so but no certification) [R, R].

So, a great one?

Yeah, only as far as that goes. The truth is that this one’s just too weak.

It offers combined amounts of 400 milligrams of EPA plus DHA. That’s per serving of two softgels, which is the suggested daily use. Also, the EPA and DHA ratio is kind of reversed. More like 1:1 (which isn’t particularly bad but still).

Overall, I feel it’s pretty apparent that it does not keep up with the very best on the market.

*** | NOW Foods Molecularly Distilled Omega-3 (Review) – No Third-Party Certification & Can’t Overtake

While there is not a doubt in my mind that NOW Foods pays profound attention to the quality and safety of their supplements, they do not, however, use third-party testing for their fish oils [R, R, R, R, R].

Hence, the NOW Foods Molecularly Distilled Omega-3, also commonly referred to as NOW Foods Omega-3 180 EPA / 120 DHA, doesn’t naturally have that [R].

And that’s its biggest stumbling block. And just being part of GOED monograph is not enough [R].

Other than that, the additives are fine. The amounts per softgel are also fine if one takes two twice daily as the label suggests. It’s Non-GMO, Keto-Friendly, and all else is also decent about it.

Still, even if it was third-party tested, I don’t see it ranking among the very best. It’s just too weak to overtake the already crowded competition that offers far more per softgel.

*** | NOW Foods Ultra Omega 3 (Review) – Great But No Independent Testing & Ratio Is Off

The NOW Foods Ultra Omega 3 is a pretty similar story to its Molecularly Distilled brother [R].

The main issue is, again, the fact that the supplement hasn’t been approved by any third-party laboratory for purity, potency, and freshness. And thus, can potentially bring hazard to health despite generally great quality manufacturing that NOW Foods are all about [R, R, R, R, R].

But there is something extra in this one that I’m also not that keen on.

While each single softgel contains profoundly more EPA and DHA (and in so also far more Omega-3 Fatty Acids), the ratio is pretty off. Here, instead of 3:2, it’s 2:1. While that’s not the end of the world, it would still make more sense to go the other way with the ratio (more DHA in the combination).

But overall it really is a shame. I would love to see NOW Foods rise above this.

*** | Nuzena Optima Omega-3 + (Review) – It’s Much Praised For No Real Reason

Many praise the Nuzena Optima Omega-3 + for its superb fish oil formula, for the fact that they manage to punch in so much EPA and DHA into one softgel for such an affordable price [R].

And while that praise is somewhat well-deserved, it doesn’t make it a great supplement. Or even a viable one.

The main problem?

It lies within its indifference to independent testing for purity, potency, and safety. They don’t do any of that stuff. And so the supplement is likely more hazardous than helpful [R, R, R].

Which in of itself, is already a reason it doesn’t deserve to be among the very best.

Also, they say that the supplement is Non-GMO and sustainably sourced. But they don’t bother to get a single certification for that. Ultimately, I have to say, the brand doesn’t really spark trust in its quality of manufacturing. It’s mostly all generic statements that any manufacturer can stretch to make [R, R, R].

*** | OmegaVia Fish Oil (Review) – There’s Nothing Inherently Bad, It’s Just Not As Good

OmegaVia Fish Oil is largely struggling with the exact same thing that Viva Naturals Ultra Strength Omega-3 Fish Oil is. The EPA/DHA ratio is way off in this one. It’s sitting at exactly 3:1. Which is still viable but not ideal (again, it would make more sense to go the other direction with the ratio; more DHA) [R].

Other than that, the supplement offers solid amounts of Omega-3 Fatty Acids (1105 milligrams), including 780 milligrams of EPA and 260 milligrams of DHA. The additives it uses are very good. And it even uses something known as Vegetable Enteric Coating, for which they actually do provide the exact ingredients.

The thing is also properly third-party tested by IFOS. It’s also Kosher, Halal, and Non-GMO, though not a single one of these is third-party approved. Also, it doesn’t use sustainable fisheries to source it’s fish from.

So, while there are perks like a money-back guarantee, I don’t think it’s as great as any on the best-of list. Quite frankly, it somewhat pales when compared to them.

*** | Optimum Nutrition Omega 3 Fish Oil (Review) – One Of The Worst Fish Oils I’ve Ever Come Across

Seeing Optimum Nutrition Omega 3 Fish Oil listed as one of the best fish oil supplements makes me just want to go and jump off a cliff. Not sure if people who’ve included this one in a best-of list have ever looked further than 10 fish oil supplements for their top 10 fish oil list [R].

The supplement here is just all kinds of poor.

Per a single softgel, we’re getting 300 milligrams of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. The actual EPA and DHA amounts never get specified. So, no way of knowing how much of combined amounts the supplement holds; no way of knowing what the actual EPA/DHA ratio is.

On top of that, it doesn’t have a single third-party certification. It’s not sustainable. And third-party independent testing for purity, potency, and freshness is completely out of the question. And yes, they’re not even a member of GOED monograph [R].

Plus, the supplement adds quite a bit of different additives of which a number I see for the first time used in supplements. Furthermore, I’m not sure all of them are harmless. They may not be.

*** | Sports Research Triple Strength Omega-3 Fish Oil (Review) – A Great One But The Ratio Is Way Off

The Sports Research Triple Strength Omega-3 Fish Oil is a pretty remarkable supplement [R].

It offers high combined EPA and DHA amounts per softgel. This Fish Oil is IFOS approved for purity, freshness, and potency and MSC certified for sustainability. It uses Non-GMO, Gluten-Free ingredients. It uses only harmless additives. There is really a lot to like about this one.

However, there is one “but”.

With offering 690 milligrams of EPA and 260 milligrams of DHA per softgel, it persists on EPA/DHA ratio of almost 3:1. And thus, I feel it does fall behind those supplements that are better at ensuring the better ratio for general health and just more DHA in general.

Moreover, given how much hype there exists for DHA as the more important acid of the two, it would make far more sense to make that ratio go the other way if it has to (with less EPA and more DHA).

That said, I do believe it’s still a very viable supplement, especially for people battling certain kinds of illnesses that generally ask for a different type of EPA/DHA ratio [R, R, R, R, R, R].

*** | Viva Naturals Ultra (Triple) Strength Omega-3 Fish Oil (Review) – Just Doesn’t Live Up To The Best

Viva Naturals Ultra Strength Omega-3 Fish Oil, previously known as Viva Naturals Triple Strength Omega-3 Fish Oil, is actually a very good product [R].

There’s plenty of fish oil, decent amounts of EPA and DHA, great additives all and throughout. It’s also third-party tested by IFOS. So, where’s the problem?

Well, there’s not really one.

I mean, sure, it doesn’t use third-party certifications for sustainable fish sourcing and Non-GMO ingredients like many of the very best do. But other than that, it’s just not that good overall to make the list.

To that end, the biggest reason I feel is the fact that its EPA/DHA ratio is way off. Meaning, with 1400 milligrams of EPA and only 480 milligrams of DHA, it’s sitting at a ratio of almost 3:1. Which isn’t great but is not terrible either. Ideally, though, we would be looking for more DHAs there.

And so, I feel it’s just overall not that great when we compare it to the bunch of the very best.

There’s No Reason To Not Pick Up One; Arguably The Most Important Supplement Of All

I believe fish oil is something that absolutely none can afford to not consume on a daily basis. The Omega-3 Fatty Acid contents are just too incredibly important for our brain health, cell function, and overall well-being. In fact, they’re even more important once we realize that there is a variety of sources out there showing different amounts of deficiency in Omega-3s (up to over 99%) in the population [R, R, R, R, R].

Become EmpoweredCan our bodies run optimally with that kind of lack? No.

I have heard many high-profile, very respected doctors highly suggest a daily fish oil supplement. Moreover, neuroscientists believe this is the single most important supplement to take. By their account, if we were to only pick one supplement that we would use daily, it should be fish oil high in Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

And, as far as I know, science does support that.

Furthermore, what’s the alternative? Eating up to 4 servings of oily fish daily (for approximately 1000 milligrams of EPA plus DHA) [R]?

But that will get us nowhere for the same reason we should never use a supplement that’s not properly purified. The daily contaminant intake overtime will just be unbearable for the body. Which will inevitably lead to needing other supplements to counter that.

And then why didn’t we just opt for a proper Fish Oil supplement in the first place?

But be that as it may, I hope this article of 25 best fish oil supplements in 2020 & the 29 bull*hit ones helped you find the information you were looking for.

This article was last updated on March 25, 2020.

35 thoughts on “25 Best Fish Oil Supplements 2020 To Wipe Out Lies Of Others”

  1. Your articles are so informative! I appreciate the hours of research you must put in to compile all the information. I’ve been using Carlson Super Omega 3 for over 20 years and I’m thrilled it’s still at the top. I take 6000 mg a day and feel great. At 73 I need the extra boost. Thank you for all that you do. Linda

    • Hey, Linda!

      Yeah, I definitely have to update the list for 2022. But I’m pretty confident that the Carlson won’t be leaving the list. On that note, I can’t say that I’ve used it for 20 years but it definitely is the Fish Oil I’ve used for the longest time of all.

      I appreciate the kind words. They mean a lot. Thank you. :)


  2. Can I use flax oil instead of fish oil? I put it in my smoothies? Can I do that with fish oil? I have a problem with shellfish , does that raise any r ed flags? Thank you for such great info

    • Hey, George!

      Absolutely agree.

      When it comes to them, however, I’m not a fan of at least two things.

      First, yes, they do emphasize the necessity of quality, of the fish oil being properly purified. However, as far as I can tell (let me know if I’m wrong cause I couldn’t right-off the bat find it), they do not do third-party testing. Which is a HUGE red flag for any fish oil supplement.

      Plus, they guarantee that their TOTOX will be under 12. Whereas if we look at the latest batch of Nutrigold Pure Fish Oil Omega-3 Gold tested by IFOS, its TOTOX level is at 5.49. Namely, twice lower than NPure-3’s claimed one (which, again, is not even third-party tested) [R, R].

      So, is it truly the cleanest?

      Second, I’m not a fan of their EPA/DHA ratio. It’s not what I believe is the best for general health and well-being. But similarly, as with multivitamins, also with Fish Oils I believe there are various amount standards depending on what your exact goal is. So, I’m not ruling out the possibility that it might be one of the best when it comes to a different standard.

      However, not being third-party tested, no matter how good or pure they claim themselves to be, won’t ever land it among the very best if we’re truly after the truth. At least that’s the way I see it.

      Cheers, and have a Great One, George!

      • Thank you for your reply Matiss!!

        I totally agree for them, they do not even have a third-party test available to consumers. I am also very impressed with Nutrigold and their TOTOX levels.

        Btw, from your experience, do you know which Omega-3 supplement has the lower level of TOTOX in the market?



        • Hey, George!

          Truth told, I’ve no idea. I haven’t hunted specifically for this aspect in Fish Oils. But it does give me a pretty good idea of how to maybe update this one for 2021. Namely, that would be about finding the best in terms of various contamination aspects (finding those with the lowest score). A ton of research that would be though.

          Anyhow, I’m willing to bet that the best in terms of TOTOX levels should be somewhere among ones we can find on this list already. So, I would definitely start by going over all of these first.

          If you do end up doing that, let me know. I’d love to hear what you come up with, George.

          Cheers, and have a Great One!

  3. I love Nordic Naturals. This might be TMI, but someone else may need to hear this. When I take Nordic Naturals with all 3 omegas, such as Omega Ultimate, I don’t have yeast infections, which I was having almost every month before cycle (sorry guys) & my cycles are more regular than they have ever been in my life. I thought this was coincidence so I’ve tested my theory by not taking omegas & switching brands. I do not have the same results with the other brands of omegas & my cycles go crazy all over again. I go back on my NN omegas & by the second month my cycles are regular again. And, I’ve had maybe one yst infection in the past 5 yrs. That alone is worth it to me! You ladies know what I’m talking about? My GYN thinks I’m full of bologna & can’t explain it. It works, so I take it religiously!
    Honest review. No incentive for me. No motive.

    • Hey, Dorothy!

      I’m sorry I haven’t managed to get back to you sooner. I hope you’re doing well.

      I deeply appreciate you sharing that. That’s really awesome to hear. I mean, truly awesome to hear. <3
      So, it's more than a fish oil then. :)

      And I absolutely agree, that truly sounds worth.

      Have a Great One, Dorothy!

  4. Matiss,

    You’ve WOWed me again. Just love the supporting documents, websites, etc. to back up your findings. Since I had so much success by reading your articles on Turmeric, thus ultimately purchasing several brands that were recommended by you in those articles, I had to come back to you for your in-depth and thorough written presentation of Omega-3/Fish Oil supplements.

    Amazing Job. You would have been a great resource for me when I had to write term papers for my College Writing II course. Excellent supporting documentation. Think I’ll try the Nutrigold Pure Fish Oil Omega-3 Gold.
    (BTW, the Nutrigold Turmeric Curcumin Gold works great for me. One of your recommendations).

    Your work is appreciated more than you think. Thanks for EVERYTHING!

    • Hey, Joe!

      I’m beyond happy the articles and the website as a whole is having that effect on you. I’m really, really happy about that. It means the world to me. <3
      And I think there are no words in English to express how much I appreciate the truly kind-hearted words. They totally made my week. <3

      I'm really glad you have found much success with the Turmeric stuff. About the Nutrigold Pure Fish Oil, if you happen to get a chance, do let me know how it goes. I'll love to hear from you, Joe!

      Cheers, and have a Great One!
      Carpe minutam/Seize the moment,

      • Hi Matiss,

        Follow-up on Nutrigold Pure Fush oil.

        I choose this brand because I wanted the “most potent” of the brands that you mentioned in your article. It’s been two months and I can say that the stiffness in my hips have completely disappeared. I noticed a difference in a week or so. Normally, one week would seem to be “too soon” for a fish oil product to deliver that drastic of a result.

        The fast results could be a combination of a few different factors: I take 1.1 grams of ginger, 1.2-1.5 grams of Turmeric for joint pain daily. But it wasn’t until I took the fish oil did I notice a swift improvement in my hips. I also take a blend of EAA before my workouts as well.

        Thank you again for your excellent research. It’s amazing what good information can do to help improve your health in a significant way. Blessings to you.


        • Hey, Joe!

          God, I love that. That’s so awesome to hear. I’m so happy for you. Totally made my day. <3

          And I sincerely appreciate you for sharing that and just letting me know, for taking the time to let me know. That's really, really awesome. And you have my utmost gratitude for that. :)

          Cheers, Joe, have a Great One!

  5. Totally agree with Sarah, you should post for wider dissemination. I am getting ready to get back in the gym and start a new weight lifting routine. Supplementing is an integral part of my exercise regimen and your article has enlightened me as to what I should be looking for in an Omega-3 supplement. Thanks for the informative article!

    • Hey, James!

      I’m truly happy that you enjoyed the article. And thank you for the kind words, I truly do appreciate it. :)

      And Have An Awesome Day!

  6. I definitely agree that Omega 3 is very much needed by our body. However, from someone who’s not fond of taking supplements, instead just eating naturally, like in my case, I love eating nuts, vegetables, and fish most of the time, wouldn’t it be better than taking supplements? I have read about people who are taking supplements for all kinds of nutrients needed by our body and still get sick more than those who are not, like me. In my own personal experience, even women younger than me suffer from high blood pressure, dehydration, migraine, colds, name it, and yet they’re the ones who took the path of taking supplements and depending on medicines be it major or minor pains. My question is for the sake of information only out of curiosity. Is there any chance that taking supplements will override the benefits of eating naturally? Or is it really a must to add supplements in our daily diet?

    • Hey, King Kong’s Girl!

      I truly appreciate your input and opinion. And thank you for addressing the questions that are on your mind. I’m very happy that you are interested in the most fundamental questions regarding supplements that there is – do we actually need them?

      Of course, it would be better, if it was an option to only eat healthy. I would certainly myself not use supplements then. I have an article on do we need vitamin supplements, in which I took a look at essentially everything that I could find on this matter to ultimately settle, if we truly need them. It’s a pretty lengthy article, but rightfully so as it took me some two weeks of research and analysis to look at everything there is on the matter. I think it wouldn’t be fair for me to just summarize it here, you’ll just need to take a look at it.

      What’s more, supplements are not some kind of miracle thing that can solely remove all disease, including blood pressure, dehydration, migraine, colds, etc. Essentially they are the assets of our biochemistry and should be referred as such. It’s crucial to understand that vitamins and minerals aren’t all that there is to food. Many people assume there is, so they tie that together with vitamin and mineral supplements and think that if they therefore use them, they can eat what they want, which then in there mind make them to be perfectly healthy. Even when eating terrible things.

      For an example’s sake, there are also proteins and amino acids. Without which vitamins and minerals are useless and body can’t really benefit from the nutrients that you provide it with. But these proteins and amino acids are very rarely found in any supplements. Therefore, our prime source of them is food. Which is also how it should be. And which also explains, why for people who have extremely bad eating habits, supplements won’t do much.

      Ultimately, I do believe that this is the skillful advertising of supplements that have led the majority of population assume that, if you’re taking a supplement, then you can eat whatever you want and you will still get awesome health benefits. What most people don’t know though, is that supplements are very, very different in what they provide and how they are.

      First there are typical supplements that provide 100% of DV (or NRV, or similar values depending on where you reside) and people believe that that is exactly what they need. Again due to advertising. But this is not like that at all as these 100% of DV/NRV indicate the minimal value of a nutrient that you need to NOT get sick with a deficiency disease. But, there is so much more to health than just not getting sick. For one’s best health you need way more. In this regard be sure to take a look at the article on Prime Daily Values.

      Ultimately, it all depends on what kind of supplements are you actually taking.
      About 90 or more percent of the industry is purely fueled by supplement companies that primarily care about profit and not people’s health and well-being. Good advertising also leads these companies to being very successful.
      This is and was the whole goal of this website to inform and educate people of how much the industry is using us just to gain profit at the expense of our health.

      And here’s the kicker. The wrong type of supplements will make you sicker. These are the same ones that are only made for profit.

      Here’s why. Most of them being purely profit oriented will contain the cheapest additives there is. That means that those supplements will contain such additives as hydrogenated oils (this is just another name of trans-fat), high fructose corn syrup (also hidden under various different names) and many other harmful additives that are like the poison for your body. It is extremely taxing for the body to deal with those kinds of additives, and it makes the population sicker.

      It’s essentially very much like taking vitamins and minerals together with a sip of poison. Will it make you healthier? HELL NO. It, in fact will be the other way around. And also processed food most of the time contains some of these additives that are not healthy at all. And even when taking the best kinds of multivitamins, it should help, but it won’t be nearly as beneficial as, if you were not to eat the kind of food. Yeah, it doesn’t really matter where you get those not healthy additives from – food or supplements.
      And ultimately, there are very, very many factors that do influence our health, everything starting from food to the environment around us.

      Therefore, it does not really guarantee that you are going to be healthier, if your taking any kind of vitamins or multivitamins. Again, the proper ones are more likely to help, the not good ones not so much.
      Another important thing that I must address (although this comment is getting too long already) and that I feel a lot of people do not know – is the vitamin and mineral forms.

      So, generally these profit oriented companies in their supplements will state to provide for example a 30 IU of vitamin E. However, due to the poor form of the vitamin that is in the supplement, your body can absorb no more than half of that amount. So, ultimately you’re getting even less nutrients than the very insufficient amounts already.

      And this is the reality, most people use popular brands because of their skillful advertising and not because they actually make you better. And sometimes people even do feel better when their taking those kinds of supplements. Which I strongly believe that most of the times is because people are deficient in certain nutrients already and might even be on the verge of getting a deficiency disease already. Of course, there can be also other reasons for that.

      But above all, taking the proper kinds of supplements won’t override the benefits of eating healthy. They will just further improve your health and enhance it. However, eating healthy can be overshadowed by the wrong types of vitamin supplements. Therefore, it is much better to not take supplements than it is to take the wrong ones.

      All in all, I do not believe that any company in the industry should be primarily interested in profit. It is wrong. And the industry must change. With this website I hope to make it happen! It may seem like a far-fetched goal.
      But I truly believe that it is possible and I can make it happen!

      And once again thank you for your curiosity!
      Have A Amazing Day, KK Girl!

  7. Great article Matiss! This post should be spread everywhere as it contains very informative content. I was unaware about looking IFOS approved fish oil, from now on I will also look for it. Everyone knows the importance of Omega-3 fatty acids, but the ways you presented to consume it are very impressive. Keep sharing such informative posts, I will share this post with my friends and family members. Thanks!!

    • Hey, Sarah!

      A quick update about the logo, it turns out that not all of the brands use it. I’m not really sure why, but essentially, a supplement that does not have such a logo, can still be of high quality. Also some brands use a logo saying “Third party certified” or something along these lines. There might be other variations too.

      Ultimately, there is actually no way to know for sure other than checking it on IFOS homepage. If you ever happen to need assistance in this regard, just let me know, I’ll help you to sort it out.

      Other than that, I’m truly grateful for your kind words. It means a lot! <3

      Cheers and have a awesome day, Sarah!

  8. Great insights about Omega 3. There truly are a lot of different Omega 3 supplements out there. Therefore, a lot of times people really don’t know what is the best to take. This article was really helpful in that sense. Thank you for sharing! :)

    • Hey, Dennis!

      Totally agree with you! There’s lots of them. So, choosing a decent one is quite a challenge.
      But these guidelines will definitely make things easier.

      I’m glad you liked it!

      Cheers, Dennis!

  9. I find that Omega 3 is probably one of the more overlooked supplements that we all need. It is probably the thought of eating fish every day, but as you have pointed out that there are supplements available, such as the Omega soft gels. I am, however, a great fish eater and I don’t mind, how it is cooked or prepared.

    • Hey, Andrew!

      I truly do understand where are you coming from. But hear me out.

      Again, on the importance of Omega 3’s, I like how Dr. Mark Hyman puts it:
      “Do you gather wild plants to eat or hunt for your meat? If not, you are likely one of the 99 percent of people in the twenty-first century who are deficient in the most important ingredient in our bodies for normal cell and brain function – omega-3 fatty acids.”

      But the most potent source of omega 3’s (fish) is full of toxins and mercury nowadays (pollution plays its part). There are fish that do have way less toxins within them (cold-water fish), however, it is more than certain that it is impossible to achieve the needed omega 3 levels (just by eating fish) without seriously exposing oneself to toxins and mercury.
      There is even a theory that we need as much as 15–19 mg of omega 3 fats daily. This is because this is the amount that a typical native Greenland tribe member consumed daily. However, most of us consume far less than 1 mg a day.

      What I’m trying to say is that eating too much fish can be quite detrimental. So, be careful. I would suggest no more than 3 times a week. And also proper nutrition should be exercised to help your body to detoxify.
      However, if you truly are eating a lot of fish and you don’t want to change that habit, the least you should do is add a zinc supplement to your daily regimen. But I highly do not approve this.

      Hope this helps!
      Cheers! And have an awesome day!

  10. Hello, and thanks for the very informative article! I am vegan and currently do not take extra supplementation for omega-3’s, but I do eat walnuts and chia seeds. It’s a little scary how polluted the oceans have become and all the toxins found in fish. I hadn’t heard of the IFOS. Good to know there is an organization trying to verify the purity of some of these supplements. Great read.

    • Hey, Janna!

      I’m truly glad that you enjoyed the article. And I totally do agree on your point on the pollution. It’s pretty bad.

      And I’m happy that you do eat walnuts and chia seeds. Those are truly a great source of Omega-3’s. :)
      However, I’m pretty sure that nor chia, nor walnuts offer EPA and DHA. The idea of importance of those two can be summed up into two sentences. Just to get an idea. Obviously, there is way more to them.

      First, 60% of our brain is DHA. And second, within every cell of the body both of them must be present in order for any human cell to function at its best.
      In your case a great alternative I believe would be algae oil. Definitely do consider it adding to your diet.

      Cheers and have a great day!

  11. The information you shared about Omega 3 is very useful. I am just learning from your article that there are standards and harmless additives. Thanks for the time you took to do the research. This awareness will save lives and make us more critical shoppers. Thank you!

    • Hey, Monique!

      I’m glad you found the article helpful and useful!
      My pleasure! :)

      Cheers and have a great day!

  12. Hi Matiss,
    I’m grateful that your article offers a wealth of information on omega 3 and why we should be taking these kind of supplements on a daily basis. I do agree that it’s very important to select the correct product.
    I take a multivitamin and vitamin B complex daily and will now add omega 3 too.
    Thank you for the great post!

  13. Hi Matiss.. thank you for a great article on Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

    I must admit I was not aware of the IFOS logo so thank you for bringing this to my attention and I will certainly be on the lookout for this logo from now on when I buy my fish oil supplement.

    I also do eat a lot of fish and from what you are saying may not be as good for me as I was thinking due to the harmful chemicals that enter the ecosystem. So, am I just better off taking purified fish oil supplements?

    • Hey, Moni!

      Thank you for the kind words, I truly appreciate it!

      As regards to the IFOS logo, it has come to my attention that not all of the brands use it. Therefore, there is actually no way to know for sure other than checking it on IFOS homepage. I will update the article later today!

      Definitely don’t give up on fish entirely. They not only contain Omega 3 Fatty Acids, but also are an amazing source of protein.
      As for what kind of fish rather to eat, there are fish that naturally soak up less of the chemicals and toxins. Such are cold-water fish, for example, wild salmon, sardines, herring, small halibut, and sable (black cod).

      However, excessive use of fish into one’s diet may lead to excess mercury within your system. If I do remember correctly, mercury is the second most toxic metal to human beings. Essentially, yeah. Excess mercury is pretty bad. Antioxidants and zinc can definitely help to get rid of some mercury, maybe even all if it’s not accumulated already.

      The bottom line is to not eat fish everyday (that does also apply to sushi). About three times a week in reasonable amounts, in my opinion, should be just fine.

      Hope this helps!
      Cheers, and have an awesome day, Moni!

      • Great article! Any comments on the form of the fish oil supplement as criteria for selection? By form, I mean ethyl ester vs re-formed (re-esterified) triglyceride? Thanks.

        • Hey, Russ!

          An absolutely awesome question.

          I want to be completely honest here. Back when I created this article I had no knowledge of this notion. However, even when I did become aware of this I did not change a thing about the original article as I believe overall this does not make that much of a difference. Sure, the Re-Esterified Triglyceride is likely to be the more beneficial version of all the available forms (I might be wrong but as far as I know there are at least three: Natural Triglyceride, Ethyl Ester, and Re-Esterified Triglyceride). But the most important thing is the end result. And any of these can get you there and bring about the benefits of optimal EPA & DHA levels.

          That said I feel my knowledge of this is mostly superficial for now. Meaning, I haven’t really explored this truly in detail yet. So, definitely take my opinion with a grain of salt, for now, Russ.

          On that note, I am planning on redoing this article entirely. Updating the information, adding a proper list of what I feel are the best supplements currently available, as well as adding information on those that I feel are misrepresented (shouldn’t be there) on other “best of” lists.
          In that new, updated article, I will try to explore all the essentials about the triglyceride forms.

          Due date: 2 weeks. Keep me accountable.

          But above all, thank you for pushing me with this. I truly appreciate it. This article has definitely needed a proper update for a long time now.

          Cheers, and have a Great One, Russ!
          Carpe minutam/Seize the moment,


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