Kirkland Vitamin D3 Review – Inflammation Promoting Choice

Marketing  |  Ingredients  |  Side Effects  |  Reviews  |  Pricing  |  Pros & Cons  |  Overall  |

According to the Kirkland Vitamin D3 reviews posted by customers, this is the best value supplement that they have found.

Many people like that the softgels are easy to swallow. Others praise it for their small size which, in their words, does not differ from the expensive brands. Others simply say that it’s a great product for a great price, and delivers.

So, in this Kirkland Vitamin D3 review, we will dissect the supplement fully to really learn if it’s actually that awesome of a product to get.

Hence, the idea is to be no extension of the manufacturer’s marketing or other similar nonsense. This is all going to be about what I feel is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And we’ll do that by assessing marketing, ingredients, side effects (additives), customer feedback, and pricing. We’ll do it the truth-seeking way.

Marketing | This Kirkland Supplement Superficially Looks Good & Trustable

Kirkland Signature is a brand of Costco. And while I would like to get a good grip on its original description page, it’s unavailable to people from Europe. Hence, this time this section will have to do with what we can find on Amazon and derive from its label.

Kirkland Vitamin D3 ReviewA thing that immediately springs into view is the USP certification for purity, potency, and safety. And it’s a legit one, namely, the Kirkland Vitamin D3 is a supplement that we can actually find on the USP-approved list unlike with some other products I’ve seen [R].

As for the promised benefits, it’s the most claim-intense that I’ve seen of all vitamin D supplements. Meaning, on its label, it lists a greater number of proposed benefits than, for example, Now Foods Vitamin D3 (review) or NatureWise Vitamin D3 (review).

So, according to the vitamin D3 supplement of this review, it aids bone and immune system’s health and function. It also promotes teeth health and is paramount to muscle function. Plus, the Kirkland Signature Vitamin D3 used to also claim healthy cell development.

As for any free-of promises, it is said to be Lactose-Free, Gluten-Free, and Preservative-Free. On top of that, they also say that this product does not have Artificial Colors or Artificial Flavors.

But we could say that there are things missing here that should be there. More on that in a bit.

Ingredients | Cholecalciferol But Only In One Size Which Is Weird

The Kirkland Vitamin D3 is one of those supplements that provide a dead giveaway in its name as far as the nutrient form it uses goes. Similar examples of this we have seen in supplements like the Sports Research Vitamin D3 or the Garden Of Life Vitamin Code RAW D3 (review).

Of the two most commonly found vitamin D forms, vitamin D3 is actually the one anyone should prefer. And this is not only because it’s the natural form of the nutrient that our bodies produce from sunlight. No, this is because the alternative – vitamin D2 – is a terrible one in quite many ways [RR].

First, it’s the synthetic version of the nutrient. Second, it’s about twice less effective. Third, it’s potentially harmful if used in large doses [RRRRR].

But despite that, there are a number of supplements that choose vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol) over the clearly better alternative. Which is very likely purely due to it being the cheaper one. And probably because people not often care enough to learn what they are actually consuming [RR].

But now, the rather weird part about the Vitamin D3 of Kirkland Signature.

Specialized vitamin D supplements that commonly are only about providing this one crucial nutrient, typically have a range of different dosage sizes to choose from. Typically, to the very least they offer 3 different options – 1000 IU, 2000 IU, and 5000 IU. It’s not, however, the case with the supplement of this review at all.

I mean, the official name of the supplement is Kirkland Signature Extra Strength Vitamin D3 50 mcg (2000 IU). First, this would imply that there is a non-extra-strength version available (but there isn’t). Second, it’s just very odd to say “Extra Strength” when talking about a vitamin D3 that contains 2000 IU.

It’s like calling a regular can of coke (12 ounces or 330 ml) a mega-size version of the thing. It just makes no sense.

Furthermore, a dosage like this would be very hard to battle a vitamin D deficiency if you have one. I mean, we could take a few of those capsules but that would take away from the easiness to swallow and use them that so many people brag about.

Now, on the good side, the supplement does have a USP-verified certification. It should ensure purity, potency, and safety. However, in the past, even when Kirkland supplements have had the seal, they have still been found to not conform to that promise. Which kind of inherently makes anyone doubt whether a third-party certification like that means something when it comes to the Kirkland brand [RR].

Granted, we shouldn’t be holding that against them forever. But it does make me want to avoid the brand regardless.

Side Effects | The Additives In This Vitamin D Are Beyond Horrendous

Side effects are the product of additives. And additives can be nice and harmless or even beneficial. However, they can also be the exact opposite. And with the supplement of this review, they are the exact opposite.

I mean, they are in this one just as bad or even worse than what I have seen to be the case with supplements like the Vitafusion Vitamin D3 and the Isotonix Vitamin D with K2.

Here’s why.

The Kirkland Signature Vitamin D3 uses two very cheap, very nasty, inflammation-promoting oils. Soybean Oil and Corn Oil.

And to make matters worse, there’s the fact that both of them are extremely likely made out of GMO material. Because why else would they not claim the ingredients to be Non-GMO when they do offer free-of claims far less important?

I mean, it’s estimated that about 90% of all Soybean Oil we can encounter in food, supplements, or medicine is made out of GMOs. Which given that they are quick to claim other free-of stuff and forget to include GMO-Free (which is, essentially, the most important one), as I see it, it’s a dead giveaway [RRRR, RR, R].

Hence, prolonged (or even short-term) consumption of the combination of those two can bring about such ill effects as liver toxicity, mineral deficiencies, infertility, heart disease, obesity, cancer, and just about any other chronic disease which is caused by inflammation in the book [RRRR, RR, R].

I mean, these two ingredients are just outright toxic. And, for sure, the potential side effects that they can bring probably weren’t something on your mind when choosing a vitamin D3 product.

Furthermore, the way I see it, this is kind of a testament to Kirland not being truly concerned about anyone’s health. They are much rather interested in profits. And, the way I see it, using such ingredients as Soybean Oil and Corn Oil, is true proof of that.

Reviews | It Can Help, There’s No Doubt, But At What Cost?

Now, moving away from the ingredient aspects, I’m not really looking forward to exploring the customer reviews. And there’s a good reason for that. At least the way I see it.

There’s not a doubt in my mind that the Kirkland Signature Vitamin D3 will have a rather high success rate. This is because those very badly chosen additives won’t undo the positives of extra vitamin D, especially if one’s deficient.

What I’m trying to say is that there’s a huge danger here.

A huge danger of many people being pulled into buying this thing by the positive reviews posted by other customers. Customers that often don’t evaluate supplements further than how they feel about them at that moment.

Hence, the fact that out of a total of 1,820 Kirkland Vitamin D3 reviews, that I managed to find all across the internet (except Costco’s site), 94.8% were positive (1,726 reviews), doesn’t change the fact that this is not a product to pursue.

That said, I do suspect many to try to advocate that there’s that USP seal, right? Doesn’t that prove that the supplement is safe?

Yes, it does prove that it is safe as far as lead, admixtures, and contamination go. But it has nothing to do with the inherent harmfulness and hazardous properties of the ingredients themselves. Which is often just as bad or even worse [R].

Pricing | While No Customers Report It Being Bad, It Isn’t A Bargain

Many of the customer reviews of the Kirkland Signature Vitamin D3 supplement praised it for being more affordable than its competitors. But is that like a real thing? Or a completely subjective one based on what it appears, instead of what it actually is? Let’s do some math.

So, per container (600 softgels), the supplement of this review typically costs $19.99. Now, given that it holds 600 servings, that’s 3.3 cents for every 2000 IU (50 mcg) of vitamin D.

Thus, here’s the real question. How does it compare?

Based on the overwhelming feedback as far as its cost goes, we would assume that it is miles ahead of anyone else on the market. But funny enough, that is not the case.

Here are a few examples to illustrate.

Previously in the article, I did mention the NatureWise Vitamin D3 (review). It costs 4.0 cents for every 2000 IU softgel. So, it’s only 0.7 cents more than what the Kirkland Vitamin D3 option costs.

But NatureWise uses Extra Virgin Olive Oil instead of Soybean Oil and Corn Oil both of which are likely GMO. And NatureWise is Non-GMO. Plus, it comes in various sizes (dosages), and it’s third-party tested for purity, potency, and safety.

I mean, I would take that money trade-off any time of the day in a heartbeat.

And then, look at something like the Now Foods Vitamin D3 (review) and compare it to the Kirkland product. They cost, essentially, the same (just 0.1 cent difference), yet the ingredients Now Food uses are quality. But the ones that the brand of this review uses are not.

Ultimately, if we really think about it, it’s actually dumb as to how expensive Kirkland Vitamin D3 is when it uses such cheap ingredients to make it happen. I mean, for the ingredients that it uses, I think that a fair price should be at least a one-third lower. But I wouldn’t get it even if it came for free.

Pros & Cons | Frankly, There Are No Real Advantages Except The Price

Pros Cons
None (I wouldn’t consider third-party testing a positive with this supplement since the track record of the brand hasn’t been the greatest). It has terrible inflammation-promoting additives. Plus, those are likely GMOs.
There is only one dosage size for the supplement.
Objectively, it’s actually an overpriced product if we do the math.

Overall | This Is Basically The Worst Vitamin D Supplement I’ve Seen

There is nothing unique or particularly great about the Kirkland Signature Vitamin D3 supplement. I mean, yes, it has got that USP certification. But we can find third-party testing with other vitamin D supplements as well.

I mean, maybe its uniqueness can be found in that it basically tries to use the cheapest ingredients it can to offer a product to customers. But then, they don’t make it actually cheaper than its more capable, quality peers.

And that’s just a pure drawback. And then, inflammation-promoting additives along with just one dosage option. It’s bad.

Frankly, the way I see it, there is more capacity for this to undermine our health than to actually help it.

And so, all that taken into account, there is literally no reason to ever buy this. Thus, (out of avoid it, consider it, shortlist it, or buy it) I would propose to steer clear of it completely. Steer clear of it if you can get it at a 25% discount, 50% discount, 75% discount, or even for free. It is just not worth it.

With that in mind, there are many other much better choices out there. Ones that will offer all the vitamin D benefits without compromising your health with low and cheap additives. To that end, my favorite one is the Now Foods Vitamin D3 (full review). So, do check that out.

Above all, I hope this Kirkland Signature Vitamin D3 review helped you find the information you were looking for. If you have any thoughts or questions, I’m all here for you. And do feel free to leave your own personal reviews on the product as well.

16 thoughts on “Kirkland Vitamin D3 Review – Inflammation Promoting Choice”

  1. Thanks a lot for writing this, I have been taking this brand for quite a long time and never got any real benefits and couldn’t understand why. Today I understand!!

    • Hey, Papu!

      Yeah, Kirkland turns out is not the greatest brand to go after. I remember when I first came across it, it seemed very reputable. But frankly, after deeper research, I don’t really recommend it.

      I mean, there can be some exceptions to that from time to time. But the ingredient choices with this particular one, the Kirkland Vitamin D3, are just terrible.

      Glad this was helpful. :)


  2. It sounds like this is for the 2000 iu ! I am taking the 1000 iu 25 mcg and it does say GMO free. I don’t see any soy or corn in the ingredients either. Are you sure there is??

    • Hey, Geraldine!

      That’s very interesting. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I will have to look into that.

      Generally speaking, it sounds like they may have actually changed the formula. Which is probably due to truth-seeking reviews like this one. And so, by the looks of it, it seems certainly to be for the better.


  3. Been taking Kirkland Vit D for 2 years, I picked them only because I trusted Costco, sounds pathetic.
    I am very low on D found out after a test, don’t yet feel any great benefit.
    Can you recommend a good one for me?


    • Hey, Maggie!

      Indeed, I can only agree. It really is a pathetic supplement.

      For me, Now Foods vitamin D is kind of a default choice for the sunshine vitamin. It’s both affordable and quality. It also comes in capsules of 2000 IU, 5000 IU, and 10,000 IU. Granted, there might be something better out there that I’m just not aware of yet. But it has worked really well for me (and my extended family as well).

      I think it would work really well for you, too.

      Personally, I get it from iHerb. But choose the option most convenient for you. It should be available in many places. Still, iHerb works for you, it helps us the most, too. :)

      Either way, I appreciate you,
      Cheers, and have a great year,

  4. Hi Matiss. At first glance, the Kirkland Vitamin D3 does seem to be a good supplement because of the USP certification, but then oh no, the soybean oil and corn oil that has been added. I do wonder why? What would be the purpose of adding these two ingredients?

    People do unfortunately often buy supplements based on the price, without really looking at what else is in it. I know you mentioned no preservatives or artificial colors and flavors are in the supplement. But with the additives, I can only assume that this is not an organic supplement and that it is synthetically produced in a laboratory.

    Thanks for the warning to avoid it.


    • Hey, Line!

      They’re there to help it all stick together. And they’re probably the cheapest way to do it.

      And I absolutely agree, too often people buy supplements only based on the price. Which I feel can really backfire on their health, especially in the long-term.
      As for the preserves, that’s only as far as they themselves claim. I personally see every additive as sort of a preservative.

      Other than that, hate to bust the illusion but even the organic supplements are created in laboratories. I reckon you might be referring to a somewhat different thing. However, they’re all created in laboratories (and frankly, there’s nothing wrong with that at all). I mean, if we really think about it, I bet no one would want it to be any other way.

      Cheers, and have a Great One!

  5. Heloo over there, thanks for being so insightful and informative with your Kirkland Signature vitamin D3 review. That’s so rare, indeed. It even answered some questions I didn’t know I had. This reminds me – wow, that USP certification is a rather tricky thing. I didn’t see that one coming.

    I will definitely visit your site some other time as well. Thanks for the Now Foods recommendation.

    • Hey, Sheddy!

      I sincerely appreciate the kind words. Glad this proved out to be so resourceful.
      I’m really happy about that.

      Looking forward to it, cheers.

  6. Hey, a nice review you have about this Kirkland. Thanks for being true and fair in your assessment, you have my thumbs up on that. I now truly feel like knowing the ins and outs of it. And that’s so rare. I find too many people being all about just selling these days. And I can say, for sure, you definitely don’t seem the type of guy, Matiss. Or you have a very bad way of showing it, haha.

    • Hey, Edahnewton1!

      Yeah, I guess I have a really bad way of showing it, haha. Yeah, I guess it just doesn’t sit well with all this truth-seeker ideology I’m pursuing, haha. Oh, well. What can I do, haha.

      Anyways, it’s awesome to hear that you like this one. And all this acknowledgment and hearty words mean a lot. Thank you. <3

      Cheers, and have a Wonderful Day!

  7. Hello there, thanks a lot for sharing this. I must say I really did enjoy going through your article. Mostly due to how much valuable information it contains. For sure, I wouldn’t have gotten so much out of this if I was to just look at Amazon reviews. As I’ve come to realize recently (and through the help of your website) they’re pretty dull, at least as far as supplement reviews go. Thank you for being here. I really think more people need to see this.

    • Hey, Philebur!

      I’m truly glad the website has been insightful. And I’m glad you enjoyed this particular one as well.

      The kind words I truly appreciate. Thank you for letting me know. <3

      Cheers, and have a Great One!

  8. I really enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing it. Let me just say that you have a beautiful style of organization and a well-detailed sampling of the product. This is easily beyond what I expected of a review. You’re setting the bar here for others. Keep up the great work. I will be back. :)

    • Hey, Blessed!

      I’m happy to hear you enjoyed it. It makes the effort of writing it totally worth it. And the words are too kind. <3

      Other than that, yeah, I'm absolutely looking forward to it.

      Have a Great One!


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