Naturelo Multivitamin Brand Review – Read Before Purchasing

In this Naturelo Multivitamin Brand Review, we will take an in-depth look at all of the Naturelo multivitamins.

Thus, we will assess the vitamins and minerals they provide, check their amounts, dissect the additives, as well as explore how their beneficial substances can benefit your health in addition to everything else that they offer.

Naturelo Multivitamin Brand – Initial Thoughts & Claims

All in all, there are a complete number of 18 different Naturelo multivitamins out there. Each of these is either geared towards men’s health, women’s health, or the well-being of children.

Naturelo Multivitamin Brand ReviewThat said, not all of them are, however, completely different. This complete number does involve various packaging sizes available.

So, in the end, we’re really only left with 4 various supplements available for men, 6 different ones available for women (plus 1 general adult option), and 3 options for children.

Still a number, eh?

And each of them has its own separate description page. Though it must be noted that they don’t really differ a whole lot. Barely would be a much more accurate observation.

And so, I feel there are 5 key insights that permeate through every single one of those pages.

The first one I believe is the most widely misinterpreted of them all. And I have been guilty of this too in the past by not truly immersing myself into their world.

It’s the fact that not all of the nutrients they provide in their supplements are directly derived from whole foods. This is huge because most other reviews out there will try to convince you that they are fully made by deriving all the nutrients from natural whole food or just food sources. Which is not accurate.

Naturelo About Us PageThey themselves do provide insights on this on their about us page.

“We would source our vitamins and minerals from real, organic whole foods whenever possible — like Vitamin C from Acerola Cherries, Vitamin E from Rice Bran, and Calcium from Algae. For ingredients that weren’t available in whole food form, we’d choose natural versions instead of synthetic.” [R]

What this means is that whenever a nutrient can’t be derived from whole food, a natural form of the nutrient is used instead. But using a natural form has nothing to do with deriving that nutrient from food.

A natural form is just a chemically identical form of a vitamin or mineral that is easily created in a laboratory. And it has nothing to do with directly coming from nature. It’s just an identical form that acts the same way a natural form would within our bodies (and in so is oftentimes but not always the most beneficial available).

That said, there are many great brands out there that do this (and many use even more beneficial forms than Naturelo).  Hence, by no means, Naturelo is one to separate from all the rest.

The second key insight is about them standing firm on being GMO-free, Soy-free, Gluten-free, without preservatives, coloring or flavoring. And on top of all that also being vegan compatible (hence an option for vegetarians as well). And that’s great. There are definitely not a lot of brands out there that subscribe to the kind of standards.

These Supplements Are Said To Improve Heart HealthThird, as for the claimed benefits, they mainly emphasize the points of enhanced immunity, as well as improved heart, brain, and eye health.

In that regard, they also do subscribe to the notion of just exercising regularly and eating healthy alone is not enough for great health. Supplements for them are a vital part of all that [R].

Which is a point there has been a lot of debate around. Because you can definitely argue both sides. But at the end of the day, it does feel somewhat in favor of the approach they’re taking (though I believe despite that you should go with whatever feels most appropriate and right to you).

As for the fourth key aspect, they are trying to earn points in your mind by calling it out – we’re made in the USA. For some, this will matter, for others not so much.

And lastly, there’s the boldest statement of them all – “Stop Wasting Your Money on Ineffective Supplements; Experience the NATURELO Difference Today!”. Which given their purpose and what they stand for completely make sense [R].

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Buy NatureloIt would be strange if they would not try to win you over with this.

Other than that, sure, there are some other claims here and there. An example of this, is that what you’ll find for the Postnatal and children supplements or what you’ll see added to Whole Food versions (they also claim to provide energy).

But be as it may, on those description pages you typically will also get 5 top reasons why any particular one of the Naturelo multivitamins is right for you. And with these, they’ve also have preserved their creative resources.

Meaning, whenever you’ll find them on the page, they will be all the same.

As regards them, there are a few aspects I would like to elaborate on. Which will hopefully give you a broader perspective and understanding. But that we’ll get into one of the later sections.

For now, I believe it’s best to be looking at every Naturelo multivitamin providing a short but concise description of what they’re actually about. So, let’s get into that.

Naturelo Men’s Multivitamins Evaluated

Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Men (Review)

Naturelo multivitamins typically tend to choose the conventional approach for nutrient amounts, rather than the unconventional one. And in so they are only ever trying to provide nutrient (vitamins and minerals) amounts that are equal to or reasonably above 100% Daily Values.

Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Men ReviewThis applies to this Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Men as well. Other than that, it offers great vitamin and mineral diversity, as well as highly effective and beneficial forms for them.

That said, even when considering the conventional approach for supplementation, for some people minerals, like Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium, may seem too scarce. Because they land below 100% Daily Values.

However, that is actually a good thing. This is because going for 100% on Calcium (1300 mg) or Potassium (4700 mg) is a sure-fire way to overdosing on both of the minerals.

It’s a different story with the Magnesium, however, both this mineral and Calcium tend to take up a lot of space. Thus, if you’d really want to have them in beneficial amounts (400-600 mg and 600-800 mg, respectively), you’d be looking at to the least 10-12 capsules daily. Which most people are not ready to commit to.

Other than that, to the incredible diversity and abundance in terms Daily Values, you’re also getting a number of blends that will only further improve your health. And do so through improving digestive health, energy levels, brain health, heart health, and eye health, as well as by adding a bunch of dietary fiber to the mix with the help of organic fruit and vegetable blend.

Preformed Retinol Naturally You Can Get From Animal Derived Foods Like MilkWhile it all may sound marvelous, there are a few drawbacks as well.

The Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Men does not offer any vitamin K or Vanadium (though there is the addition of vitamin K2). That said, you’re pretty guaranteed to get some amounts of those two from that organic fruit and vegetable blend. So, that would be a rather minor issue.

What is not a minor one though, is the fact that the supplement offers zero preformed retinol (vitamin A). Which is both extremely important for great health and can’t be replaced by any amount of Carotenoids [R, R, R, R, R, R].

Nonetheless, I feel this is an easy fix if you’re committed to having all of the crucial vitamins. Just be sure you’re adding a proper vitamin A supplement.

And, yes, one last thing to mention about this one – amazing additives (or, to be more exact, additive because it has only one).

Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Men 50+ (Review)

The Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Men 50+ is an incredibly similar multivitamin supplement to the one we just looked at.

Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Men 50 Plus ReviewRather than regurgitating mostly all of the same that I said in the previous section, let’s cover primarily the differences (I will be using this same approach also for the other supplements throughout this article, so if I don’t mention anything – it’s all the same).

In the Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Men 50+, you get insignificantly more Carotenoids and Calcium but less vitamin C.

So, at the end of the day, any noticeable differences do come down to the blend composition. Meaning, there’s a little less of that organic fruit and vegetable blend in the Men 50+ version but it adds the Prostate health blend in place of the Energy blend that we saw in the general for men version of the multivitamin.

As for Digestive, Brain, Heart, and Eye health blend, they are all the same. The same also goes for the additives.

Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin For Men (Review)

This one for all of you who are uncomfortable with taking 4 capsules of a multivitamin daily (as it is the case with the previous two). This Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin for Men only requires you to take 1 capsule daily.

Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin For Men ReviewBut with that, while it uses the same beneficial and highly effective nutrient forms, there are considerable cuts in the overall vitamin and mineral amounts.

To be more exact, all of the minerals fall under the 100% Daily Values. Which will still contribute to some degree to your well-being but it’s definitely a drawback.

On top of that, there are also the same characteristic complete absence of certain nutrients, like preformed vitamin A, vitamin K1, and Vanadium. But that’s 100% minor when compared to the next aspect.

The Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin For Men offers only one blend (organic fruit & vegetable blend). And even this blend is cut by more than 2/3 of the total amount that is present in the Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Men.

So, you’re missing out on a HUGE value and additional benefits that you’ll not to experience through the due to the absent brain, heart, digestive, eye, and energy or prostate health blends.

Ultimately, there really are no advantages to this one other than the reduced serving size and price.

Still, those two don’t justify it, thus, I feel it’s so not worth going for this.

Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin For Men 50+ (Review)

Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin For Men 50 Plus Review

The same conclusion does also apply to the Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin For Men 50+.

It’s the highly cut back version of the Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Men 50+. Which as a whole I feel is so not worth your time and money (and the fact that there are fewer capsules daily to take).

In essence, it’s that same One Daily for Men only with slightly more Carotenoids, vitamin D, Calcium, and Magnesium, twice the amount of Biotin but less Vitamin C and Phosphorus.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, this is probably still much better than no multivitamin at all. However, as evident, there are way better options out there, even within the boundaries of the same brand.

Naturelo Women’s Multivitamins Evaluated

Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Women (Review)

The Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin for Women is a supplement extremely similar to its men equivalent version we looked at earlier, only with one single alteration.

Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Women ReviewThere is nothing really more to add.

I mean, sure, there are some very minute alterations to the nutrient amounts, like barely less of Carotenoids, as well as vitamin C, D, and E.

But the incredible vitamin and mineral diversity, as well as the highly effective and beneficial forms still persist. Also, the added beneficial blends are the exact same ones that the men’s supplement uses.

All of this truly helps to drive home the point that nutrition-wise there is only one real and considerable difference when it comes to comparing men’s multivitamins with the women ones.

It’s the factor of whether or not a supplement contains Iron. Which is that single alteration that I mentioned earlier when it comes to the Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin for Women.

All else that you hear and people or brands are trying to convince you of is pure marketing and has nothing to do with your actual nutritional needs or well-being.

Other than that, much like its men’s counterpart, this one’s also one among the very best multivitamins if what you want is nutrient amounts that are equal to or reasonably above 100% Daily Values.

Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Women 50+ [Iron Free] (Review)

While it may seem that the Iron-free version of the Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Women does not subscribe to any other differences besides the lack of iron, in truth it actually does. There are other subtle differences.

Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Women 50 Plus ReviewFor example, this Women 50+ version has insignificantly less of vitamin K2, slightly less Manganese and Potassium, as well as 2.5 times fewer Biotin (which is still fine and is at 200% Daily Value). It also doesn’t offer Choline. But it does offer slightly more vitamin D and Calcium.

However, as with many before, the main difference resides in the additional beneficial substance, aka the blends present.

Though the Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Women 50+ cuts out Energy blend completely, it does offer more than 50%+ of Heart health blend, twice the Brain health blend, and 20% more of Organic Fruit and Vegetable blend.

So, it does have some tradeoffs, but overall I feel it’s still definitely a viable option for women over 50. Alternatively, you can, of course, also try and experiment with the men’s Naturelo multivitamins (as Iron is no longer a requirement for women after menopause).

Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin For Women (Review)

Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin For Women Review

Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin For Women in comparison to Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Women is largely the same as the comparison of the two respective men’s multivitamins.

You get a smaller serving size and a cheaper price. But in terms of the value, it’s just not worth it.

The considerable cuts when it comes to the nutrient amounts will land actually all of the minerals below 100% Daily Values. Furthermore, no longer do you get that variety of beneficial blends.

You’re left with only the Organic Fruit & Vegetable blend that is cut more than 3 times. So, you’re losing out a lot. Which is exactly the (sad) story of Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin for Men.

Another story that you should rather avoid embarking on.

Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin For Women 50+ [Iron Free] (Review)

Over the Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin For Women in this one you get slightly more Carotenoids, vitamin D, vitamin B6, Calcium, and Magnesium but less Phosphorus, and zero Iron.

Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin For Women 50 Plus ReviewOther than that, this Iron-free version is the same as the regular One Daily Multivitamin for Women.

But those slightly improved amounts for a handful of nutrients don’t really remedy the sad story it was with its double.

That said, I do feel there is some viability with the One Daily supplements of the brand.

If vitamins and minerals are all that you’re after and you want them to be at least 100% Daily Values but no more than reasonably above that, here’s a solution for that.

Instead of taking one capsule daily as they recommend, take two.

This will take care of all of the otherwise shortcomings and should be completely fine in supplements that do not involve Iron.

Naturelo Prenatal Multivitamin (Review)

The Naturelo Prenatal Whole Food Multivitamin is a supplement that’s kind of in-between the whole food supplements and those that are about once daily.

Naturelo Prenatal Multivitamin ReviewThrough the daily serving of 3 capsules, this supplement fully focuses on providing the right kind of vitamins and minerals to pregnant women.

It leaves out all the blends because oftentimes these can contain ingredients that are either not tested or can potentially be harmful to pregnancy.

At that time a universally accepted is that of avoiding anything that is not proven to not harm the child’s well-being and health in any way. So, only the stuff that has been proven to be harmless.

Over the general choice for women (Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin for Women) this supplement offers less of almost all of the vitamins but more of the minerals and Carotenoids, yet twice the Iron and Folate.

And it would be all fine and okay if not for the consideration of not having any preformed vitamin A. As already mentioned earlier, this one is pretty impossible to get sufficient amounts of from Beta-Carotene alone. Whereas it’s quite crucial for the proper development of the baby [R, R, R].

But at the end of the day, I guess it’s still a solid conventional option to go for if 100% Daily Values is your main focus. And you can remedy that absence of preformed vitamin A with a proper vitamin A supplement.

Nevertheless and despite that, I personally would still prefer something else when my wife will be in pregnancy again (#9 on this list). However, not everyone will agree with this approach.

Naturelo Postnatal Multivitamin (Review)

Despite the fact that this Naturelo Prenatal Multivitamin is quite a similar supplement to the one we discussed in the previous section, it has a considerably different focus.

Naturelo Postnatal Multivitamin ReviewIt cuts back mainly on Folate and heavily also on Iron but adds Milk Boosting Herbs of organic sources like Fenugreek, Blessed Thistle, Fennel, Stinging Nettle, and Alfalfa. To add that extra benefit of you never running out of milk for your little one.

That said, the Postnatal multivitamin still faces the drawbacks that the Prenatal multivitamin did. It again offers no vitamin A (preformed form). So, without an additional singular vitamin A supplement it won’t suffice.

To five a better idea of this, it must be noted that while adults have the ability to turn some of the Carotenoids in the preformed vitamin A, babies struggle with that. Therefore, it’s crucial that they do intake it through the mother’s milk.

Whereas, in case of the mother having issues of turning those Carotenoids into Retinol (which by no means is a rare case), not only will the mother herself suffer, but so will the baby [R, R, R, R, R].

So, overall, this is a viable option (but I can’t emphasize enough how important is that extra vitamin A). Another option to definitely consider is that which I did already mention in the previous section (see #9).

Naturelo Whole Food Vitamin Gummies for Adults (Review)

Apart from the 4 men’s multivitamins and 6 different multivitamins dedicated to women, there’s also one that is just geared towards adults in general.

Naturelo Whole Food Vitamin Gummies for Adults ReviewWhile it is marketed as a whole foods supplement it does rather resemble the Once Daily multivitamins we discussed earlier with that addition of being tasty.

Generally, the vitamins are fine, whereas minerals are little on the scarce side. Which I wouldn’t really regard as sufficient even when taking the conventional approach of 100% Daily Values.

It also doesn’t really add anything in terms of additional blends or substances. Just vitamins, minerals, and a bunch of different Carotenoids.

So, overall the tradeoffs for the taste aren’t really worth it in my opinion.

Also, given that this is a gummy supplement and it’s about making supplementation tasty, you don’t have only one additive here. You rather have a bunch of them.

Still, the approach that Naturelo uses when creating gummy multivitamins is much different of that of what most other brands do.

Stevia Is A Great Natural SweetenerWhat I mean is, most other brands just stuff a bunch of sugar in their gummy supplements, which at the end of the day doesn’t deserve to be referred to as something that contributes to your health. Much to the opposite.

But Naturelo doesn’t do that. What they do is use Stevia instead. It’s an ingredient used to sweeten that whatever it gets added to without spiking insulin or raising blood sugar levels. In truth, it’s exactly the approach you want to take when you’re into buying a gummy supplement.

As far as I can tell, most additives they use to make this Naturelo Whole Food Vitamin Gummies for Adults possible should be fine.

What I’m not fully certain about are the natural flavors and natural colors used.

Natural flavors are all about manufacturing practices. If they suck, those flavors are likely to be harmful. At that point, it doesn’t matter that they’re “natural”.  Not everything that’s natural is healthy for you despite the fact that many manufacturers prey on that notion (and it’s a global misconception).

And although they do subscribe to Good Manufacturing Practices, I wouldn’t say that’s enough to guarantee that those flavors are not filled with all kinds of impurities and admixtures (even if it’s not intentional).

Though It May Not Superficially Seem So You Have To Be Mindful About Natural Colors Used In SupplementsAlso, the colors though natural can be extremely detrimental to select few people, like it’s classically with Annatto extract. So, while I don’t have an issue with natural colors that don’t cause unpleasant side effects, they’re still something to be mindful about.

So, at the end of the day, are these an option you could go for?

Well, despite the fact that they don’t use sugar (which is really good), I would still suggest rather going with the previously discussed, better alternatives of this brand.

They’ll be way more beneficial and you don’t have that unknown factor of flavoring harmlessness.

Though there’s not a doubt in my mind that these are definitely the better alternatives if the only option is their sugary competitors.

Naturelo Children’s Multivitamins Evaluated

Whole Food Vitamin Gummies for Kids (Review)

Based on the percentage values noted on the Whole Food Vitamin Gummies for Kids supplement label, this is a supplement for kids of age 4 and above.

Whole Food Vitamin Gummies for Kids Review

And as such, as far as I can tell, it can actually work really well.

These, similarly as other Naturelo multivitamins, offer solid nutrient forms along with superb nutrient diversity.

And they don’t use sugar too. Which is great.

But there’s again that unknown factor of natural flavors.

That said if your kid is one that does absolutely refuses to take traditional supplements, this without a doubt is the better gummy alternative.

Chewable Multivitamin for Children (Review)

The Chewable Multivitamin for Children is another supplement in the Naturelo’s line-up for children. That said, it’s very hard to tell where does it stand when comparing it to the one in the previous section.

Chewable Multivitamin for Children ReviewOn one hand, this one offers more vitamins and the Organic Fruit & Vegetable blend. But on the other hand, it has fewer minerals.

Thus, it much rather works as an overall alternative. One that is not necessarily better in all aspects that it is.

As for the gummy contents, this one also avoids sugar. Instead, it uses Stevia and Monk Fruit Extract to sweeten it up. Both of which are great for that.

Also, what I like here is the fact that this particular supplement does not contain any kind of colors. Sadly, there’s still the presence of natural flavors.

Which for Naturelo, at least as far as I can tell, for now, feels that it can go both ways (harmful or harmless).

Whole Food Multivitamin for Teens (Review)

Whole Food Multivitamin for Teens Review

Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin for Teens dumps the notion of gummy vitamins and goes traditional the traditional route.

Hence, again we see only one additive. One that is absolutely okay to consume.

Other than that, in its very essence, this supplement feels like the weaker alternative of any of the men’s or women’s whole food supplementation options. Which to a degree it should be.

Solid and highly beneficial vitamin and mineral forms, okay amounts for the conventional approach. The added benefit of the Organic Fruit & Vegetable Blend, as well as a bunch of Carotenoids. Plus, Rutin (potent antioxidant).

Should work fine.

Is This Supplement Really Right For You?

As I noted earlier, a good number of description pages for any of the Naturelo multivitamins hold a section of top 5 reasons why the Naturelo multivitamin is right for you. In neither of the pages, however, these 5 reasons change.

While they are all about convincing you that a Naturelo multivitamin is your best choice, I wouldn’t say they’re always the whole truth or 100% accurate. So, this section is all about bringing more awareness and, to an extent, debunking some myths.

The top 5 reasons they list for buying their supplement are as follows:

  1. Natural vitamins are absorbed better;
  2. Unbeatable value for money;
  3. Capsules are better than tablets;
  4. Top quality;
  5. 100% money-back guarantee.

“Natural Vitamins Are Absorbed Better” – There’s A Trick There

So, the very first reason why you should buy Naturelo supplements according to them is that “most multivitamin brands contain synthetic vitamins manufactured in a lab, which lack the additional co-factors, such as enzymes and minerals, required for proper absorption. [And because] our vitamins come from real food, your body can recognize and utilize them better”.

I mean, superficially this sounds superb. And it preys beautifully on that what most people seek these days and what they associate with “natural”. To them, natural is good, natural is what you want, natural is the best alternative possible. Or is it?

Let's Take That Apart A Little BitLet’s pick that apart a little bit.

So, what do you understand with that statement of theirs I cited above? Or let me be more precise.

What is it that they are trying to say is the avoidable thing here? “Synthetic vitamins”?

And what do you think? What are they referring to here?

Are they actually referring to vitamins or are they using the word “vitamins” to mean supplements?

If they’re referring to supplements, why are they later mentioning enzymes and minerals? Or why is it said “most multivitamin brands” at the beginning of the sentence? So, clearly, it should be that they are actually referring to vitamins not supplements when saying vitamins.

Why is this important?

This means then that only the vitamins that they use in their supplements come from real food (aka the second cited sentence). Minerals are not in that picture.

On that note though, on pretty much all of their supplement labels, you will find the word “natural” after a listed mineral. What is that? Why this incongruence?

Naturelo Multivitamin Review – Typical Naturelo Supplement Label

Are they saying that there are synthetic forms for minerals that are better than natural ones? But they still using “natural”?

Or better yet, why on labels after certain vitamins you see mentioned as the source they’re derived from (for example, Vitamin C from natural Organic Acerola Cherries) but in the case with other you see only a reference to “natural” (for example, Thiamine and the word “natural” after it in the brackets)?

This does correspond to what I mentioned earlier and what they admit on their about us page. Or that “we would source our vitamins and minerals from real, organic whole foods whenever possible — like Vitamin C from Acerola Cherries, Vitamin E from Rice Bran, and Calcium from Algae. For ingredients that weren’t available in whole food form, we’d choose natural versions instead of synthetic.”

The point I’m trying to hammer home is that nutrients in Naturelo supplements are not fully derived from natural sources (whole foods) after all. In fact, they are not doing so most of the time.

Just take a solid look at the labels.

They actually deriving only 9 nutrients from natural sources, like vitamin C, D, E, K2, Choline, Calcium, Iodine, Magnesium, and Carotenoids. What about the other 16 nutrients?

Well, these are just the chemically identical forms of the natural vitamin or mineral forms that are easily created in a laboratory. Moreover, they have nothing to do with directly coming from nature. And Naturelo themselves approve that on their about us page. They just don’t give it to you so straight up and honest.

But coming back to the term “synthetic vitamins” what it actually refers to is “synthetic forms of vitamins”. In this regard, is it really as they imply that “natural forms of vitamins” are always the better-absorbed form?

Most of the time that will be the case. However, it’s not that black and white. For example, there are studies that prove that the synthetic form of vitamin C is as effective as the natural one. And this is just one example [R, R].

Unbeatable Value For Money Preys On The Notion Of You Getting A Bargain

By unbeatable value for money, they state that, for example, their Vitamin C from Organic Acerola Cherry, which costs 5 times more per gram than the synthetic vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), ultimately makes it so that the supplement is only 3 times more expensive.

Supposedly They Are Better Value For PriceThen again, is it really worth it?

Few paragraphs ago I cited a study, which proves that synthetic vitamin C is absorbed efficiently and usable for the body as the natural one. So, why would you pay extra? What’s the point?

You are literally overpaying for nothing.

But there’s another facet to this.

I feel there are multivitamins that may not be as fancy (in terms of the additional blends), however, they do offer way more value. For example, I would take the Garden of Life’s Vitamin Code Men (or Women if I were one) over any of the offered respective whole-food versions any time of the day (Vitamin Codes are about 33% cheaper).

So, it’s in no way an “unbeatable value for money”. There are other supplements that do “beat” Naturelo in terms of this.

Thus, in truth “unbeatable value for money” is just a marketing strategy they use to convince of buying the product.

Capsules Are Not Necessarily Always Better Than Tablets

Capsules Are Not Necessarily Always Better Than Tablets

Another reason they make for Naturelo being the top choice is that “Capsules Are Better Than Capsules”. While there is some truth to this, again, it’s not that black and white.

Meaning, it’s not like these Naturelo multivitamin supplements are the only ones, which are made in the form of capsules. In fact, if you take a look at high-potency, high-quality multivitamins, you’ll find that most of the time they come in the form of capsules.

Be as it may, it’s definitely a question of how any given capsule or tablet is made. Because there are also capsules that are made from nasty ingredients. Then it’s no longer the better option.

All in all, in truth, the capsule and tablet difference is so minor that you shouldn’t really pay attention to that. There are other more significant aspects to look at than those of “capsules being greater than tablets”.

The Promise Of Top Quality Is Again Something Very Stretched

What they do want to emphasize when selling you the product is that they are of superior quality. Because that drives sales a lot. People are looking for quality, and they recognize that.

So, they give you what you’re seeking. But is that quality really that top-notch?

All they really state (and you won’t find otherwise) that they follow GMP practices, ingredients tested for purity and potency, plus stating that you’ll be getting exactly that what is on the label.

When It Comes To Quality There Are Better Ways To Approve It Than Only Using Your Own StatementsBut these are only their own statements.

A true testament to the quality is third-party laboratory tests on the end-products (finished supplements). Many brands go out of their way to make this happen. Naturelo doesn’t.

But not only that. Many brands also go out of their way to get certifications like USDA Organic, which proves ingredient organic origin. Or getting certification by Vegan Action, which proves that a supplement is truly vegan.

Naturelo Multivitamins as a brand have none of that.

So, is it really that they’re of the top-quality as they themselves so eagerly state?

I mean, the quality is likely solid. But it’s absolutely unjustified to refer to it as the top quality.

That’s just marketing.

100% Money-Back Guarantee Is Great – They’re Not The Only Ones Though

I feel money-back guarantees are always something that proves the manufacturer’s confidence in their product. And it is a good sign.

So, it’s definitely a plus to the Naturelo Multivitamin Brand. Because you can try the supplement, and easily get your money back if you didn’t 100% enjoy it.

Still, they’re not the only ones doing it in the space of supplements.

Final Thoughts On Naturelo Multivitamin Brand

In the past, I have been very critical of Naturelo Multivitamins. However, the truth is that they can work and serve you well if you’re all about taking the conventional approach for supplementation (following 100% Daily Values).

That said, I do not necessarily agree with their marketing practices. The claims they tend to make on their description pages are sometimes quite confusing and can lead people into thinking that which is not 100% accurate.

But at the end of the day, the supplements they create seem to deliver solid value. Furthermore, you can also take advantage of that 100% Money Back Guarantee. Which does say something about them believing in their product as there are not a lot of manufacturers that do that.

Nevertheless, I do believe there are better alternatives out there if you’re looking for a multivitamin. Here’s a list for men and a list for women. And there’s always also the option of going unconventional when it comes to multivitamins.

Other than that, I hope this Naturelo Multivitamin Brand review helped you find the information you were looking for.

This article was last updated on August 25, 2019.

32 thoughts on “Naturelo Multivitamin Brand Review – Read Before Purchasing”

  1. Hey sup,

    I loved the article it was great and helped me evaluate Naturelo (as I am considering getting it). Was not to concerned about their vita A content as I take cod liver oil. Anyways I do have a question about ancestral supplements. specifically this product:

    I was wondering if you know anything about its purity. I mean it has great reviews on amazon and says its from grass fed beef in new Zealand but was just curious if you had anything to say about it.

    Thanks, Paul.

  2. I used to be a customer of NATURELO , but I have stopped based on two negative issues I made from them with two different orders. I purchased their NATURELO Whole Food Multivitamin for Men – 240 Capsules. The price for this item is 79.95 US dollars. Being a whole food supplement, the price is higher. What I received however were not whole food supplements at all. They instead sent me their cheaper non whole food supplements in the whole foods container. How was I able to tell this? The capsules are clear and see-through. The contents of the whole food supplement is brownish/beige in color. I have ordered and used this product a few times and know it well. The contents of the product I received is a white powder. They sent me a cheaper supplement at a higher cost. What is worse is I left a negative review regarding this on their ebay product page, and they initially removed all recent reviews until they requested that ebay remove my review. ebay did just that. NATURELO is shady. Be careful!

    • Hey, Jamil!

      Eh, it took me a while to get back to you. I’m really sorry about that. I hope you’re doing great.

      I’m sad to hear it turned out to be a pretty lousy experience. But I’m genuinely grateful you shared it. Your feedback won’t get removed here that I can promise. We’re after the truth and so, we’re very interested in the full spectrum of the experience. :)

      Other than that, there is one other thing you might want to be aware of as this looks pretty textbook to me. Meaning, there is such a thing as counterfeits for supplements, namely, fake supplements.

      I’ve even done a full article on that very notion recommending people to avoid purchasing supplements on any platform that brings together random sellers and customers, like Amazon, eBay, Aliexpress, etc. Because anyone can pretty much sell anything on those platforms. Which makes them very susceptible to fake stuff.

      I’m not saying that’s 100% the case here. But the way I see it, that’s very possible. You might have just been a victim of a fake product.

      You can read the full article here.

      Cheers, Jamil! Have a Great One!

      • Hi Matiss.

        Thanks so much for responding. I am aware of many counterfeit products being sold on ebay. In this instance, however, it was NARTURELO the company’s ebay store selling their own products. They have an ebay store, and their seller name is: naturelo-usa

        If you view the seller page, here is the description:

        Authentic NATURELO supplements sold directly by the manufacturer.

  3. Hi,
    Thank you for the excellent review and helpfulness of this website. I’ve been taking Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin for men for some time now and since I’ve been dealing with Lyme disease from a tick bite I can honestly say that it helps in a way I don’t have such a hard time when it ‘hits’ me.
    I noticed you’re talking about the lack of preformed retinol (Vitamin A).
    I checked the ’19 Best Vitamin A & 5 Carotenoids Supplements 2020 To Vigor’ page and I would like to ask:

    Do you think it is safe to start using the ‘No. 1 | Solgar Cod Liver Oil (Vitamins A & D)’ together with Naturelo Multivitamin? My only concern is not to get an overdose of either Vitamin A or Vitamin D since both are included in different forms in Naturelo supplement.
    What is your take on this, and if this would be a bad idea, which Vitamin A supplement would you then recommend?

    Apologies for my language. I’m not a native speaker. Hope it makes sense :)

    Thank you for the great information about supplements it’s very helpful. Keep up the good work Matiss


    • Hey, Petr!

      I’m sorry for not managing to get back to you sooner. I hope you’re doing really well.

      Let me just first say that your language skills are more than fine. :)

      As for that question, I believe it’s what you should do. The way I see it, something like the Solgar Cod Liver Oil (Vitamins A & D) is an absolutely necessary addition if the Naturelo Men’s is your choice. Whereas as far as the potential for overdose, not possible even if you tried and took both for the rest of your life.

      I mean, the vitamin A that Naturelo brings is a completely different thing when we compare it to the one that the Solgar thing provides. The former does it in the form of Beta-Carotene which is not actually vitamin A. It can be. But it’s a very bad source to be relying on just through the Beta-Carotene. This is because not only the Beta-Carotene to vitamin A conversion rates are not promising but also it’s estimated that about 50% of the population lack the gene to make that transformation.

      Or in other words, for about half of all people, 1000 mcg of Beta-Carotene is more like a disgusting 0 of vitamin A. You can easily be vitamin A deficient if all you’re having is Beta-Carotene from the food you eat and supplements you take. Hence, preformed vitamin A is necessary. And that Solgar provides exactly that.

      As for the vitamin D aspect, Naturelo provides 1000 IU and the Solgar option gives 135 IU. But when combined, I would still argue that’s not enough daily (generally speaking). If it’s just for maintenance, then it should be whatever your multivitamin provides plus at least 2000 IU. Whereas if your levels of the vitamin are not in the healthy range (you’re deficient), then it’s instead whatever your multivitamin provides plus 5000-10000 IU.

      So, again, to answer your question, these two together are not even close the unhealthy range for both vitamin A and vitamin D.

      Cheers, and have a Great One!

  4. There has been a considerable amount of rumble since Garden of Life sold out to Nestles. The quality and integrity of their products is up for debate as long time consumers have been reporting adverse effects from the product line under new ownership. Any insight you may have would be appreciated.

    • Hey, Sylvie!

      Sorry that I haven’t managed to get back to you sooner. I hope you’re doing really well.

      Frankly, I’ve no idea what to think at this point. I am myself investigating that aspect and for the time being I will likely recommend people to move away from Garden of Life (all updates soon to come). Which sucks because I loved the brand but that’s very much to your point.

      Personally, I don’t think it makes sense that Nestle would undermine Garden of Life’s quality in any way. I think them buying the brand is more about recognizing the global long-term trends and thus, trying to ensure longevity and in a sense future survival of Nestle. But that’s just how I see it.

      I guess the Nestle’s initial plans to not change Garden of Life have been or has changed. But from where I stand, it’s terribly hard to say for sure. And my guess is as good as any [R].

      Cheers, and have a Great One!

  5. Thank you for creating this informative article. Do you have knowledge about Naturelo’s collagen peptides? I’m looking to incorporate collagen peptides into my diet and I’m having a hard time identifying a good brand. In advance, thank you for your help and guidance.

  6. Is there a multivitamin/multimineral (USP) that only contains 100% of the RDA or DV? Just about everything I see advertised has way over 100%, not required nor beneficial, according to Harvard Health.
    Thank you.

    • Hey, Max!

      I get where you’re coming from. However, I don’t think it’s that black and white.

      It’s certainly a perspective but I wouldn’t hold on to it too tightly (if at all). Read about what I call the nutrient secret in this article, as well as go through the article on Prime Daily Values. It will give you another perspective.

      Maybe 100% RDA or DV is not the best approach after all?

      Still, if no change of heart, the No. 8 on this list is probably your best bet.

      Cheers, Max, have a Great One!

  7. Thank you for your deep review, I just have one question, it’s about the Garden of Life Code, another article says that The Vitamin Code nutrients are not extracted from real food. The manufacturer simply converts conventional vitamins into a more “natural” form through a culturing process involving yeast. And I found that logical because it explains why they say on their label “from culture of S. cerevisiae” for most ingredients.

    • Hey, Belkass!

      Sorry I haven’t managed to get back to you sooner. I hope you’re doing well.

      I really appreciate you dropping a comment about this. I will have to look into it. Because if it’s not real food, I want no business it being the best of my list.
      It’s definitely not the truth then.

      Again, thank you!

  8. Hi, any thought on their eye supplement “NATURELO Eye Vitamins – AREDS 2 Formula with Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Natural Vitamin C, Zinc – Best Supplement for Dry Eyes, Vision Preservation, Eye Health, Macular Support – 60 Vegan Capsules”? I am woman. I don’t see this product is specified for gender, unless I missed something.

    I also wonder how would this compare with Vision 20 by Zenith Labs, if you have some comments.


    • Hey, Yan!

      I’m sorry I haven’t managed to get back to you sooner. I hope you’re well.

      I’m not really sure about getting that Naturelo Eye Vitamins stuff.

      While I feel there is a couple of great stuff it brings to the table, I would personally never go for it. There’s a couple of reasons for that.

      First, I’m not a fan of the Copper form in it. It provides 2 milligrams of Copper through Cupric Oxide. Which is something our bodies can’t actually get anything out of. Meaning, while it says 2 milligrams of Copper, it’s more like zero. This is because in studies it has been proven that our bodies can’t absorb this particular mineral form at all. So, it looks nice on the label. But it brings no value whatsoever [R, R, R].

      Second, I’m not a fan of that Zinc form either. Zinc Oxide is a very weak Zinc form, arguably the most useless, hard to absorb form of all. So, while Naturelo likes to position itself as food-derived nutrients for supplements manufacturer for whenever that’s possible and where that’s not, only the best forms, I feel they don’t really hold up to that [R, R, R].

      I mean, it’s not like the supplement won’t overall be beneficial. However, these two typically are an indicator that there might have not gone too much care in the making of the thing. Just my thoughts.

      As for that Vision 20 by Zenith Labs, as far as I can tell, it’s a pretty solid one. The ingredients overall definitely make more sense than in that other one. And all of them are quality (except, maybe vitamin C). So, I believe you can’t go wrong with that one.

      That said, if my wife would ask me for something like that, I would point her in another direction. Meaning, I believe that arguably a Caronenoid supplement would play a bigger impact on aiding vision. Of course, I would like to think that a number of other nutrients (like that zinc or active form of vitamin A) would also be necessary, hence, a multivitamin likely is a must (and some eye exercises could be necessary, too).

      But I haven’t gone too much into that research for vision improving substances just yet. So, likely take this with a grain of salt, Yan.

      As for these types of supplements being gender-specific, just so that you know, there’s no such thing. About 99% of the time even multivitamins that are meant for women can just as easily be used by men (without the iron though) with at least equal success. Or to illustrate even further, substances like Lycopene are typically added to men’s multivitamins or other supplements and avoided in the respective women’s ones. Whereas there are actually more studies done on women with Lycopene and with far better results than it’s the case with men.

      Cheers, and have a Great One!
      Carpe minutam/Seize the moment,

      • In researching Zenith Labs and their Vision 20 formula, I came upon multiple very negative reviews about the company and Ryan Shelton, including disturbing allegations that he is behind multiple companies that have come and gone, and which were essentially scams. Have you researched Zenith Labs and Ryan Shelton, and what have you found?

        • Hey, Reynolds!

          That’s really interesting. Thank you for bringing such a concern to my attention. I appreciate it.

          As for the gist of it, I can’t really comment since I haven’t been looking into them. I mean, I could have researched them when creating a best-of list but I probably disregarded them for other reasons. Pretty sure I don’t have any individual reviews on that brand. But when I will, I will certainly look to consider that Ryan Shelton guy as well.

          If that’s not too much trouble, what are the other brands that he has been or is associated with?


          • Here is a link to the article I found that seemed to do the best job of looking at the larger picture of Shelton’s business dealings and some of the products. It tries to connect Shelton to Daniel Toh and Spark Health Media, and mentions some other business entities that are used in Shelton’s marketing but which seem to be difficult to nail down. That does not mean that Shelton is a scammer, but it does cast doubt as to the legitimacy of claims made for Zenith Labs products, particularly given that some of the testimonials used are supposedly “stock media” (i.e., they are not actual patients/customers who used Zenith Labs products). The write-ups and testimonials seemed very good, so I considered buying, but I tend to dig deeper on product claims. What I found left me unwilling to spend a premium price simply based on testimonials that may not be real. Perhaps you will find something different, but your writings left me thinking that you would want to be aware if a product you spoke highly of might not be all that is claimed. I appreciate anyone who tries to research well and inform others, to facilitate good decision-making. Keep up the good work.

  9. Been using the Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin For Men and wanted a review before buying another bottle. I was searching and found this article. Really appreciate your in-depth review and thoughts as you echoed a # of my concerns. Otherwise, I do love the product and agree with others its felt over time but also wanted to see if there was better in terms of content and price/value, etc.

    • Hey, Jermaine!

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I sincerely appreciate it.
      And the appreciation for the article, I always have deep gratitude for. Glad this was helpful. And glad it has worked for you.

      I would say try looking into the list for the best supplements for men, I reckon it may hold a supplement or a few worth considering over this one.
      To that end, if there are any ideas you feel like running by me, feel free to do so.

      All the best, and have a Great Weekend, Jermaine!
      Carpe minutam/Seize the moment,

        • Hey, Mark!

          Currently, no. I haven’t managed to devote time to that.

          But a couple of people have asked. And I feel it’s something I have to have a profound look on very soon. And I will.

          For the time being though, here are some ideas.

          For toddlers, I generally would recommend looking into either the Garden of Life Mykind Organics Kids or the Naturelo Whole Food Vitamin Gummies for Kids. That Garden of Life thing is what I’ve been giving my two-year-old. And I feel it’s the overall better alternative of the two. But all things considered, the Naturelo one is also decent.

          For teens, generally speaking, many of the supplements across the multivitamin best-of lists should be solid. And here it more depends on what you consider to be the better approach for nutrient amounts.

          If you’re an advocate for equal to or reasonably above 100% Daily Values, any multivitamin of the best-of list of women and men that add little to no additional substances would be ideal. Something like Vitamin Code supplements or MegaFood ones should work fine. You can also lower the serving size if you feel there is a need (but I wouldn’t given that Daily Values don’t differ from ages 4+).

          Whereas if you subscribe to the best practices for nutrient amounts, I would suggest a supplement from the very best multivitamins list that, again, adds little to no additional beneficial substances. To that end, something like the MultiThera or Basic Nutrients IV would be ideal. But here you do have to lower that default serving size. I’d say 1/2 to 3/4 should work best (with 3/4 probably being the sweet spot for most of that age group).

          But I definitely will have to look more into all this and give it more thought. So, this is just a rough idea of it all.

          Hope this helps, even if just a little bit.
          Cheers, and have an Awesome Day!

  10. I’m glad I found your post. I use Naturelo every day but people told me it isn’t very good.

    I have to disagree – I can feel the difference in my health in the long run – you don’t notice it at first but over time especially after a month you can feel the difference.

    I even got my wife and kids on it. One can never have enough vitamins!

    • Hey, Tarun!

      I appreciate the comment and you sharing your experiences.
      And I’m really delighted that the supplement has made a positive difference for your health!

      In fact, I gave this a serious thought and I realized, I’ve been too black and white in my thinking. There is a new direction I will be taking with the website. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, Tarun!

      Cheers and have a Great One!

  11. Thank you for this nice review of the Naturelo multivitamins Brand. I find this post highly informative and well detailed, I learned new things, to be honest. Please, how true are the assertions that capsules are way better than tablets? I like minerals of natural source, always organic and not genetically modified. Can you please talk about the price budget for this Naturelo product.

    • Hey, Clement!

      Thank you for the kind words, I truly appreciate it!

      To my knowledge, the difference is really negligible (might be very slightly in favor of the capsules), thus, you shouldn’t really consider it when choosing a supplement, especially when it comes to the top-notch quality manufacturers. There are many much more important aspects to evaluate when choosing a supplement.

      That is a great idea, I will include some information about the price budget in the following weeks.

      Cheers, and have a Great One!

  12. This is an interesting review! it is quite disappointing that the Naturelo supplements do not have sufficient quantities of the necessary vitamins and minerals. I think it is a good thing I found this honest review about the product before I purchased it without knowing all the facts.

    I think the ingredient they utilize in their product is great because like you say natural vitamins are absorbed better, but it seems you would have to take a lot of them to meet the ideal amount which is not really cost effective. I am more inclined to use one of your recommended supplements.

    Thanks for sharing this great information!

    • Hey, Renton!

      I’m truly delighted you enjoyed the article. And thank you for the kinds words. I appreciate it.

      In my research and also while writing the article I did consider the option that one could just take more of the supplement. However, at the end of the day, it’s a pretty limited option not only cost ineffective one. Namely, one couldn’t really take more than twice the serving size to improve all amounts of nutrients that there is. This is because that would mean the potential of overdosing on certain vitamins that are in somewhat sufficient amounts, like folate.

      Cheers, and have a Great One!

  13. Thank you for this review Matiss. One really need to check out all the necessary details before choosing a particular multivitamins. From your description of their various products both meant for men and women, they all have insufficient amounts of the needed minerals and vitamins. To think that there are not enough nutrients for Naturelo multivitamins meant for prenatal and postnatal stage shows that they are out to make money and not to contribute to people’s well being.They have good intention though, but should actually try in increasing the amounts of vitamins and minerals so that it can be effective.

    • Hey, Gracen!

      I’m delighted you enjoyed the article.
      And I completely agree, they would be much better off if the nutrient amounts would be much more sufficient.

      Cheers, and have a Great One!


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