Andrew Lessman Marine Collagen Review – Not Promising

Marketing  |  Ingredients  |  Additives  |  Reviews  |  Pricing  |  Overall  |

In this Andrew Lessman Maring Collagen review, we’ll dive deep into all that this ProCaps Laboratories product has to offer.

Naturally, we’ll start off with a brief look at the promotional materials. That we will transition into thorough analysis of the ingredients, including additives. Then, we’ll look at customer reviews and how well have people liked it. And then, of course, there will be a section dissecting pricing and all that.

This Andrew Lessman Marine Collagen Review To Learn All It’s About

According to the manufacturer, the Andrew Lessman Marine Collagen (ProCaps Laboratories Marine Collagen Peptides) is “both highly soluble and digestible and as a result, it’s readily utilized by the body.” Per their words, it “provides a uniquely soluble and highly absorbable source of the precise peptides required to build, maintain and promote healthy Collagen-based tissues.” So, plenty of great-sounding [R].

Andrew Lessman Marine Collagen ReviewBut the product page itself I’m not too big a fan of. I mean, to an extent, it’s worse than the information overload that the Truvani Marine Collagen (review) or the Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens (review) do. Because this one feels clumsy and completely unreadable.

I mean, I love that they section the page. But the information should certainly be divided up into paragraphs and not just this one huge unreadable block of text. That would make it so much better.

Other than that, there are quite a few marketing tactics that they use to convince people to buy.

First, they have a really positive customer review section. Second, there’s the option of “the more we buy right off the bat, the bigger our savings” (for 30 and 60 servings, we get a container whereas, for 120 and 240 servings, we get a bag). Third, it’s this notion of supposedly getting a discounted product with every purchase. Fourth, there’s also a 30-day money-back guarantee [R].

As for the benefits, for the Andrew Lessman Marine Collagen, they promise improvements to nail, skin, hair, joint, bone health, as well as blood vessels and this overall idea of anti-aging. Whereas another really interesting thing that they promise is that all their supplements are made with 100% Solar Energy (Zero Carbon Footprint). Which isn’t something that many manufacturers can say.

Also, the Marine Collagen of this review is said to be Non-GMO, Carbohydrate-Free, Flavor-Free, Sweetener-Free, Corn-Free, Soy-Free, Milk-Free, Color-Free, Sodium-Free, Gluten-Free, Yeast-Free, Wheat-Free, Fat-Free, and Preservative-Free.

So, superficially, it looks really good. But is this Andrew Lessman’s ProCaps product truly one to go for?

I Certainly Wouldn’t Say That Active Ingredients In These Are Top-Notch

A rather common thing with Collagen supplements is that they focus solely on proving the protein and doing it the best they can. A classic example of that is supplements like the Live Conscious Collagen Peptides (review) and Nature’s Truth Ultra Collagen (review).

But the Andrew Lessman Marine Collagen isn’t quite like one of those products. Meaning, it is both. Because it actually offers two almost identical products. One is about just Collagen whereas the other is the exact same thing plus one other extra substance. Hence, it’s either just Collagen or Collagen plus that other substance.

Andrew Lessman Marine Collagen Ingredients (Supplement Facts)So, per serving (one scoop), the supplement of this review offers either 5 grams of Marine Collagen or 5 grams of Marine Collagen coupled with 500 milligrams of MSM or Methylsulfonylmethane.

As for the Marine Collagen, I don’t think it’s actually as high-quality as they are trying to lead people to believe. I mean, nowhere do they actually claim that it’s from Wild-Caught fish. Nowhere do they actually claim that it’s from Deep-Sea fish. Nowhere do they claim that it is done sustainably. Hence, it’s probably neither.

To that end, it’s definitely a good thing that ProCaps are doing all kinds of testing and third-party testing their products. Because that’s especially important with Marine-type supplements. Still, it doesn’t quite make up for the fact that they very likely forgo some of the other marks of quality (those I mentioned).

Furthermore, 5 grams is actually not that much. I mean, to ensure the full range of benefits (all of the claimed), I would argue that we need at least 10 grams. Hence, with the Andrew Lessman Marine Collagen, we would have to do a double scoop. Which is certainly an easy to adjust option but it will ramp up the price [RRRR, RRRRR].

As for the MSM contents, 500 milligrams is a decent amount. It’s not as great as 1,000 or 1,500 milligrams which is what standalone supplements of MSM typically offer. But we can get to the former threshold with a double-scoop easily [R].

With that in mind, the MSM is a naturally occurring substance that we can find not only in plants and animals, but also in humans. It can decrease joint pain, battle Arthritis symptoms, help skin health, promote digestive health, boost immunity, foster Glutathione level increase, as well as provide anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties among other stuff [RRRRR].

So, there definitely seems to be a lot to gain from the Marine Collagen of Andrew Lessman and his ProCaps.

Marine Collagen Of This Review Takes The Approach Of Zero Additives

I feel additives are something that is widely misunderstood still. There are a ton of people that tend to believe that any additive within a product (be it a supplement, food, or medicine) is unnecessary. However, the truth is that often it’s just not possible to create easy-to-consume forms (tablets, capsules, etc.) without them.

To that end, they typically work like a “glue” that we can’t really do without. Obviously, there are exceptions to this. But, generally speaking, that’s definitely true, especially when manufacturers also want to add a flavor, color, or change dissolving properties for the supplement [RRRRR, RRR, RRRR].

This One Has No Additives To Its NameSo, what’s the story with the Andrew Lessman’s ProCaps Marine Collagen Peptides here?

Well, the supplement of this review is actually one of those exceptions. I mean, since it’s a Collagen powder that has chosen to not add a flavor or color to things, it doesn’t need additives to make that happen.

And since it doesn’t need additives, it’s only the good stuff that we get. None of the unnecessary stuff. Much like the Nutra Organics Collagen (review) or Zhou Collagen Peptides (review).

Other than that, I’m typically not a fan of the claim that a supplement is Preservative-Free (which this Andrew Lessman product does claim). Because despite there being a group of additives that fall under that category, I feel typically people put an equal sign between additives and preservatives. But because it doesn’t have any additives, I think the idea of Preservative-Free doesn’t cause any confusion.

While Customer Reviews Are Decent, They Are Far From Being Superb

Now, moving away from the ingredient aspects, we have to look at two practical ones. First, we’ve got the customer feedback and all that’s related to that. Second, we also have the pricing aspects (which we’ll discuss in the next section).

As for the ProCaps Marine Collagen Peptides, its product page also offers a customer review section like NeoCell Super Collagen (review) or Olly Collagen Peptides (review). But given that those typically are not too accurate when it comes to the truth, I did do some digging by all other third-party sellers and retailers.

Andrew Lessman Marine Collagen ReviewsIn total, I managed to come across 2,076 Andrew Lessman Marine Collagen reviews. But the exact allocation of them, because there are two almost identical ProCaps products, was a little bit difficult.

You see, I found 72 Andrew Lessman Marine Collagen reviews (59 were positive, 13 were negative, 81.9% success rate) and 116 Andrew Lessman Marine Collagen with MSM reviews (104 were positive, 12 were negative, 89.7% success rate).

But then, I also came across 1,888 other ProCaps Marine Collagen reviews that didn’t discriminate between the simple Marine Collagen and that which also adds MSM to the table. There we have 196 one-star, 106 two-star, 152 three-star, 212 four-star, and 1,222 five-star reviews. Hence, a global success rate of 84.0%.

Or if we sum it all together, that’s 2,076 reviews with an 84.2% global success rate. Which isn’t all that high if you ask me. I mean, with high-quality Collagens, we typically get numbers of very close to 90% or above that. To that end, the supplement of this review certainly doesn’t seem to be a superb option.

Personally, I’m Not Thrilled With The Pricing On This ProCaps Product

When it comes to pricing, I saw at least a couple of reviews for the ProCaps Marine Collagen which stated that it’s expensive. Certainly, I didn’t see anyone claiming that it’s an incredibly cheap option. But where does it really stand?

Well, it does depend on the exact container size we choose. Because the bigger we go, the bigger our savings overall. For example, the 30-serving-size container costs $32.90 whereas the 240-serving-size option comes for $189.90. So, instead of eight 30-serving-size containers (a total of $263.20), it’s about 28% cheaper.

This Is Actually A Quite Expensive ProductStill, I don’t think people will typically go with the 240 serving option right off the bat. But I definitely see a universe where people would opt for the 60 serving option because of the price efficiency. That option typically costs $59.90. So, it’s basically $1.00 per serving or $2.00 per every 10 grams of Marine Collagen.

Which, at least to me, feels a bit excessive for what it brings. Here are a few examples to illustrate.

We can get a container of the Vital Proteins Marine Collagen (review) typically for $29.75. Which is $1.65 per serving or $1.38 for every 10 grams of Marine Collagen. Which is 31% more affordable than Andrew Lessman’s supplement.

Furthermore, the Vital Proteins not only does third-party testing, but also they properly source it from Non-GMO, Wild-Caught fish. Yes, it doesn’t bring that MSM to the table. But we can add it through a separate supplement and still be well under those $2.00.

Then, we have something like the Truvani Marine Collagen (review). It costs the same as the supplement of this review. However, as far as the sourcing, third-party certification, and quality go, I believe it’s just outright better. It doesn’t matter that it doesn’t bring MSM or any other additional substances to the table.

Overall, I Feel This Andrew Lessman’s Supplement Is Fine To Consider

I think, generally speaking, the Andrew Lessman ProCaps Marine Collagen Peptides seems like a decent product.

It doesn’t use any additives. It does third-party testing on its products. It’s Non-GMO. And their manufacturing is done through 100% Solar Energy, hence, ensuring Zero Carbon Footprint. Which is really awesome. And I love that.

I Would No More Than Just Consider This Marine Collagen SupplementStill, I’m not really a fan of what likely are the fish they use for creating that Marine Collagen. I’m not really thrilled with the success rates either; high-quality supplements typically have it decently higher. Also, I’m not fond of that pricing. There just are plenty of better options out there.

Hence, (out of avoid it, consider it, shortlist it, buy it) I would reckon it’s absolutely fine to consider it. But speaking of better options, I believe the Truvani Marine Collagen (review) is definitely one of them. Especially if you’re after Marine Collagen specifically.

Otherwise, I would recommend going with the Live Conscious Collagen Peptides (full review with a summary).

Above all, I hope this Andrew Lessman Marine Collagen review helped you find the information you were looking for. Did you like it? Will you go for it? Or will you choose some of the more cost-efficient options? Are you aware of any other supplement brands that do their manufacturing using 100% Solar Energy? Let me know below. Also, feel free to leave your own personal reviews on the product.

3 thoughts on “Andrew Lessman Marine Collagen Review – Not Promising”

  1. I was given about a million varieties of his products (which was a very kind, yet unecesary, gift). I have a shortlist of supplement brands that I am very educated on and comfortable with and had never heard of Andrew Lessman prior to this giant box of supps. Thank you for your review on the Marine Collagen, as a giant bag of it is in said box. I don’t believe I will be replacing any of my current, trusted products, but may work some in as filler or travel supps here and there.

  2. I understand your review,, but I still think Andrew lessman’s product is great. I know he always uses the best ingredients in the world. Just because he doesn’t explain where he gets the fish or totally explain his testing etc doesn’t mean they are not the best ever… because I know he always does the best and his products can’t be beat.

    • Hey, Ed!

      I really respect that. Thank you for sharing your view on it. It helps to add a way more kind of dynamic look at it. Which I’m always for. :)
      I mean, I genuinely want to keep this all as open-minded as possible. So, yeah, I appreciate your thoughts a ton.



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