Leefy Organics Review – Turmeric Curcumin Not Worth Buying

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This Leefy Organics review is for those who want to properly explore and uncover everything there is to know about this specific Turmeric Curcumin supplement.

To ensure that, we will explore a couple of things. We’ll classically start off with what the manufacturer itself is saying about the product and all the marketing they use. We’ll research the ingredients used, and we’ll cover also additives. On top of all that, we’ll discuss also global success rates (customer reviews) and pricing while also providing comparisons and just a dynamic look at the product in general.

This Leefy Organics Review To Dial In On All Aspects Supplement

According to the manufacturer, the Leefy Organics (Prana) is “the most effective and best-tasting turmeric supplement.” Per their words, this is what will allow us to “experience the benefits of turmeric like never before.” Hence, given these statements alone, it looks incredibly promising. But is it, really [R, R]?

Leefy Organics ReviewLeefy Organics is one of those supplements that just like the PureNature Turmeric Curcumin (review) has more than one page dedicated to it by the manufacturer.

With the supplement of this review, it’s got both a product page and a sales page. The latter is about explaining ingredients and potential benefits whereas the former is all about marketing.

In terms of that marketing, Prana has got a subscribe & save option providing 10% discount. It also uses really positive customer reviews to help people decide in favor of it.

Furthermore, it even adds testimonials to the mix. Plus, they also offer a sort of a 30-day money-back guarantee which doesn’t refund shipping and is only applicable if the supplement is unused. Hence, quite useless for a money-back guarantee.

Other than that, they also offer the option to buy more than one container right off the back and get a small discount for that faith in it. They also list compelling reasons as to why we should buy the supplement of this review.

As for the benefits, Leefy Organics is claimed to reduce inflammation, foster heart health, improve joint health, as well as promote brain function. These are accompanied by the emphasis on there being over 6,000 medical studies on Turmeric.

As for the free-of stuff, Prana promises to be Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Organic, and Vegan. Thus, looking quite good, at least as far as the manufacturer’s view on it goes. But is it really worthwhile?

Organic Ingredients May Sound Nice But It’s Too Superficial

What I find odd is that it is not possible to see the full ingredient list of the Leefy Organics on the manufacturer’s page (at the time of writing this article). I mean, we get the vague statements of what it revolves around, namely, Turmeric, Ginger, Black Pepper, and Glycerin. But we don’t get a proper supplement facts list. Which is quite concerning given that quality manufacturers, including Nutrigold Turmeric Curcumin Gold (review) and Youtheory Turmeric (review), typically never forget to be transparent about it.

And since, essentially, the only place to buy this product from is directly from the manufacturer, I was not able to find the full ingredient list on other platforms (and even reviews of Leefy Organics) either. Hence, we’re no idea what is it really about. Hence, we’ll have to assume things.

Leefy Organics Ingredients (Supplement Facts)So, each serving is a combination of Turmeric, Ginger, Black Pepper, and Glycerin (Glycerin we’ll discuss in the next section). It looks somewhat promising but it all depends on the exact amounts.

For Turmeric, anything less than 1000 milligrams of 95% Curcuminoids is likely to be suboptimal. Hence, if you actually buy it and get to see the full ingredient list on the supplement and if it’s less than that, you can probably just return it. Also, if it’s 1000 milligrams but not specified how much Curcuminoids are there, it’s probably the raw stuff. And that has only like 3-5% Curcuminoids, the main compounds responsible for the gains [RRRRRRRRRRR].

As for gains themselves, I think the claims are accurate. And frankly, if the supplement of this review is plentiful in Turmeric Curcumin regard, it will reach even further than that [RRRRRRRR].

As for Black Pepper, the amount of it are likely not high. They’re likely within the margin of 5-15 milligrams. Which is plentiful for the primary reason it’s there. Meaning, while Black Pepper does also add antioxidative power, in Turmeric Curcumin supplements primarily used as absorption enhancer. This is because it has been proven in studies to augment the absorption of Curcuminoids by 2000% [RRRR, RRR].

So, it’s a very necessary addition to just about any Turmeric supplement that doesn’t use a patented Curcumin form.

Then, it’s about Ginger. This is a thing widely known for its positive effects on digestion. And to that end, it does basically also has the effect of improving absorption of nutrients in anything we consume including Turmeric Curcumin. But it must not be forgotten that it can also overpower inflammation, inhibit cancer growth, help with nausea, menstrual pains, and stomach ulcers, relieve muscle and joint pain, promote brain function, and help in other ways [RRRRRR].

So, all in all, the idea of such a Turmeric Curcumin supplement is pretty on point. However, here’s what I really don’t like about the Leefy Organics Prana.

I don’t like that they are claiming that this is the most effective Turmeric supplement. Because it clearly isn’t. There are at least half a dozen different patented Curcumin formulations that would very much disagree with that statement. And to that end, I believe it’s pathetic as to how they are marketing it. They should not take advantage of people who are not aware of the existence of patented formulations like that [RRRRRRR].

Additives Are Hard To Review Because They Don’t Disclose Them

Additives are the other aspect of ingredients that we should always be looking at. And Leefy Organics does not provide us with that information either. The only thing we know is that Glycerin is probably one of the ingredients among them. Hence, throughout this section, we will be looking at some of the potential ingredients that could be there based on what I’ve seen is the case with other similar supplements, and we’ll take into account their statements as well.

So, as far as Glycerin goes, it’s an absolutely fine additive to consume. Especially when it’s created from Non-GMO sources. But the real question is what other ingredients might be there [RR].

It Remains Unclear What Additives The Product UsesLeefy themselves claim that it’s a tasty thing. And I’ve seen reviews that do approve of that fact. However, there are many ways how to get to tasty. It could be through Monk Fruit or Stevia which are the quality options. Those can even bring other benefits [RRRRRRRRRR].

That said, with supplements like Leefy Organics Prana, it’s far often the case of either Fructose (or some form of that, including High-Fructose Corn Syrup), Sugar, or some artificial sweetener like Sucralose. Neither of these is kind to our health, to say the least [RRRRRRR].

Then, of course, it can be just a matter of Natural Flavors as well. However, the healthiness of these does rely on the manufacturing practices in place, heavily. And since Leefy Organics doesn’t really care to introduce us to their approach of manufacturing (at the time of writing this article), I would not be so sure that they are great. And the fact that the Turmeric Curcumin supplement of this review is, as far as I can tell, the only supplement they create only further adds to that notion [RRRRR, RRRRRR].

Then, any liquid supplement typically has to also have a preservative for it to not go rancid. Typically these are Citric Acid, or Potassium Sorbate, or both.

The fact that Leefy Organics is promised to be Non-GMO is a big thing for Citric Acid as far as harmless goes. That said, many of the processed foods we can buy in our shops do already contain this ingredient as a preservative. And hence, if one’s eating many of those, Citric Acid overdosing won’t be kind. Furthermore, it’s also something known to improve Aluminum absorption which is a metal we do not need to actively consume. It can lead to bad health outcomes [RR, RRRRRRRRRR].

Whereas Potassium Sorbate doesn’t rely on some external conditions to be potentially harmful. The substance in itself can bring plenty of trouble in the form of damaging white blood cells which can lead to both cancer and DNA damage, as well as plenty of other ill-health outcomes [RRRRRRRRR].

Overall, given they don’t bother to be transparent about the ingredients they use in the Leefy Organics, I don’t think it’s worth gambling on it.

There Are No Third-Party Customer Reviews For The Turmeric

Customer reviews with supplements are much trickier than many people realize. Because often even well-reviewed supplements can actually be quite garbage if we’re looking at them in a pure truth-seeking way. Something like the Vimerson Health Turmeric Curcumin (review) and Angry Supplements Ultra Pure Turmeric (review) are great examples of that. Great success rates but very inefficient ingredients.

Leefy Organics ReviewsSo, it’s very important to kind of not lose oneself in customer reviews. This is also the reason why that’s not the only section in reviews like this one on Leefy Organics. But there is one other challenge when it comes to the Prana.

Given that it only sells on the manufacturer’s website, there is no third-party feedback to look at. Because it is not enough to just assess these.

You see, the trouble with Leefy Organics reviews on the manufacturer’s website is that they can be easily adjusted, edited, deleted. And that I believe is often, indeed, done since the gains in terms of marketing are obvious (the better reviews, the more people buy a product).

Plus, I went through the entire list of reviews on manufacturer’s page, and I did not find a single one-star review. I mean, didn’t even find a single two-star and even a single three-star review. Yes, there were a couple of four-star ones. But, essentially, all 583 Leefy Organics Prana reviews are five-star.

And that’s just unnatural. That stuff never happens. I mean, even the most successful and helpful of products do get a bad rap from time to time. It just naturally works that way. Whereas the fact that this one wouldn’t is just ridiculous. To that end, I feel the customer feedback section is biased, for sure. We shouldn’t look at it or take it into account when contemplating the purchase.

This Organics Prana Doesn’t Seem Like A Well-Priced Thing

Here’s another practical aspect that’s very hard to evaluate in the context of Leefy Organics. Pricing. Which is because the value for the price will almost always depend on how much of each beneficial ingredient we’re getting. Since here we have no clear idea of that, it’s very hard to objectively assess.

Hence, for the sake of it, we’ll assume that the supplement of this review brings 1000 milligrams of 95% Curcuminoids with 5-15 milligrams of Black Pepper and some 20-50 milligrams of Ginger. So, with that in mind, the supplement itself costs typically $33.00 but given that subscriptions can be canceled anytime, it’s effectively rather the case of $29.70 per container. Which is exactly 99.0 cents per serving and per every 1000 milligrams of 95% Curcuminoids.

It Does Not Feel To Be Well PricedNow, compare that to something like the Me First Living Turmeric Curcumin (review). Me First Living typically costs 89.8 cents per 1000 milligrams of 95% Curcuminoids. And, yes, it doesn’t bring Ginger to the table but that’s the only upside of Leefy Organics.

Me First Living is also Non-GMO, Organic, and Vegan. Furthermore, unlike the supplement of this review, it’s absolutely transparent about the ingredients it uses. Moreover, it’s also third-party tested for purity, potency, and safety. Hence, an actually great quality option. And it’s at a more affordable price.

Now, Leefy Organics claims to be the most effective Turmeric Curcumin supplement. Why not compare it to what I believe is the best option on the market in that category then?

The NutriCology CurcuWIN typically costs $19.95 per serving of 30. That’s 66.5 cents per every 500 milligrams of CurcuWIN, a patented Curcumin formulation. Namely, that’s $1.33 per every 1000 milligrams of CurcuWIN.

So, yes, Leefy Organics is about 34% cheaper. However, given the absorption improvements that CurcuWIN brings (a 136-fold increase over Black Pepper’s 20-fold), it’s about 680% more capable. Meaning, with a third of an increase in price, we get 680% better results. Which, personally, is a tradeoff I would take any day of the week.

Ranking | Where Does This Turmeric Curcumin Rank (In 2022)?

NutriCology CurcuWIN Now Foods CurcuBrain NutriGold Turmeric Curcumin Gold

Natrol Extra Strength Turmeric NatureWise Curcumin Me First Living Turmeric Curcumin

I Wouldn’t But The Leefy Turmeric Curcumin Supplement

So, per the customer reviews on the manufacturer’s page, the testimonials, and the individual reviews on the internet, there is a ton of people who really like the Leefy Organics Prana. I mean, an absolute wealth of people who are absolutely excited about it. But I’m not one of those people at all.

I believe there are plenty of problems with it and very little if any positives.

I Would Highly Recommend To Avoid This Turmeric Curcumin SupplementFirst, it’s just stupid that they don’t care to provide the entire and fully transparent ingredient list, neither for the beneficial ingredients nor for additives. It makes it really hard to objectively evaluate it and compare it to other products on the market. Come to think of it, it’s probably a marketing strategy of theirs. But genuine quality manufacturers don’t do that.

Second, they claim it to be the most effective Turmeric but that is an absolute lie. What likely is either a simple, raw Turmeric or 95% Curcuminoids plus Ginger and Black Pepper is not even close to the most effective version of Curcumin supplement.

Third, with such Liquid supplements as Leefy Organics, there are plenty of risks with additives. The fact that they are not transparent about it only further adds to that notion. And fourth, it’s only sold on the manufacturer’s page which makes no sense to me if it was that great of a supplement. It would be selling everywhere then. Firth, it’s not third-party tested which is pretty important with Turmeric.

Hence, (out of avoid it, consider it, shortlist it, buy it) I believe that Leefy Organics Prana Turmeric Curcumin supplement is one to avoid. If you’re after a solid-quality one, you should look into something like the NutriCology CurcuWIN (full review) I mentioned earlier. It’s the one I use daily.

Above all, I hope this Leefy Organics review helped you find the information you were looking for. What are your thoughts on it? Do you agree with my assessment? What was the thing you dislike most about it? Let me know below; I’d love to hear from you. Also, feel free to leave your own personal reviews on the product.

12 thoughts on “Leefy Organics Review – Turmeric Curcumin Not Worth Buying”

  1. Hi, I just came across your review as I was just searching leefy prana online and it popped up. I too noticed the marketing page first, then their regular sale site. The marketing seems… gimmicky, very smoke and mirrors. It’s a product that’s been recommended in the health community but I also couldn’t find any “real” reviews. I think I’m okay with the lack of transparency here and mostly looking for success rates. I truly want to know if this product does what it claims, and that’s primarily my interest in wanting to buy it. I suffer from migraines and would love to find a healthier alternative to ibuprofen use.

  2. Thank you for the review. I was looking for reviews outside of their webpage but could not find any. This is very helpful.

    • Hey, Mariela!

      I’m glad this was helpful. :)

      Other than that, I guess much hasn’t changed since. Because when I wrote the thing, I also was not able to find any.


  3. I left a 3 star review (due to 3 emails to their customer service with no reply) and it does not show up. Makes me wonder how many other “less than 4 star” reviews there actually have been.

    • Hey, Ricky!

      Thank you for sharing that. It helps a lot. I appreciate it. :)

      And, yeah, I guess that’s typical. Whenever the feedback is inconvenient for them, they just don’t post it. Or delete it. Or whatever. And, indeed. It makes one wonder how many other unposted not 100% positive feedback there has been.


    • Hey, David!

      Definitely feel free to explore the ones I already recommended in the article. :)
      But if it has to be a liquid one, something like this is so much better.


  4. Hey Mattis, this was a great review on Leefy Organics. I do find it concerning how this product isn’t completely transparent with what ingredients they use. If a supplement company wants to succeed, they must be obsessed about transparency and the customer experience. That is something Leefy Organics definitely needs to work on. I did notice on your article that there are still a few benefits to this supplement like healthy brain function and improving joints. I wouldn’t invest into this product but I will consider your recommendation of NutriCology CurcuWIN. Thanks so much for this article. Articles like these help consumers like you and I make better decisions when shopping online. Hope you have a great summer!

    • Hey, Gabriel!

      I genuinely appreciate the kind words. Glad to hear that it proved to be helpful. :)

      And I do agree with you. That is, indeed, something that they need to work on. I mean, it’s quite possible that it isn’t a bad product at all. It’s just the lack of transparency that really got me and hence, the recommendation to avoid it whatsoever.

      Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. Honest and truth-oriented reviews are massive when it comes to better purchasing decisions.

      You too have a great and sunny one, Gabriel!

  5. I would have tried out Prana, as I know that turmeric is great for health and offers a good amount of health benefits, but I  always go with nutrient chart behind the product.

    If the ingredients are not mentioned then I feel like there is something that the manufacturer doesn’t want to disclose and I count it as being untrustworthy.

    I might try out NutriGold Turmeric as its review is more convincing.

    Thanks for uploading this post!  

    • Hey, Jason!

      Yeah, I absolutely feel you. I too do feel like the lack of transparency with the ingredients is essentially a sign of trustworthiness. As I noted in the article, that’s definitely not something that quality manufacturers typically do.

      If you get the chance, let me know how it goes! :)



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