You will find many reviews that will try to convince you that Research Verified Keto is an absolute go-to supplement. A supplement that you should take advantage of because of its many potential benefits.
Regardless, of what people are saying, within this Research Verified Keto Review we will seek the truth. Hence, answering the question of whether or not this can actually help you lose weight, as well as otherwise improve your health will be our main focus.
In that regard, we will look at the claims they’re making, we will assess the ingredients, as well as their potential benefits (if any) and harms (if there will be such). We’ll also look at the most up-to-date success rates to get a good idea of whether or not people are actually enjoying the supplement and seeing positive results.
Research Verified Keto Review – Initial Thoughts & Claims Identified
According to the manufacturer, Research Verified Keto is the single best Keto supplement out there. The efficacy of which is based on the available research and guidelines established by doctors for proper Keto supplementation. Thus, it will be your best help in burning fat and losing weight.
This supplement doesn’t have the typical description page you’ll find for most supplements.
It’s something much rather similar to Purefit Keto or Pure Life Keto, a lengthy sale page. One at which they throw absolutely everything at you.
Everything to convince you that this is the purchase you need and the thing you want for improving your health.
To make that happen they use a variety of cognitive biases (ways of persuasion typically hard to resist) and methods of persuasion. Thus, essentially making it seem like this will be your purchase of the year.
There’s the authority-bias through mentioning of doctor established criteria. They do not, however, ever mention who is that doctor or doctors that have created these criteria that they have so rigorously adhered to (in the making of the supplement).
There’s also the scarcity-bias which essentially gives you the option for a limited time only buy the supplement at 50% discount. However, I don’t think it’s limited in any way. It certainly doesn’t seem that way.
I got the offer to buy a bunch of Research Verified Keto supplements at a discounted price every time I visited the website.
And there are also a bunch of other methods of persuasion that they use.
Moreover, they are trying to establish trust by supposedly exposing other keto supplements that completely disregard the research and do not adhere to their mentioned “doctor’s criteria”, as well as giving criteria how to spot bad keto supplements.
What I am trying to say is that you shouldn’t trust the initial urge (if you’re getting one) to buy the supplement immediately.
The particular sale’s page is created exactly that way to make you crave buying it. Which in the case, you didn’t feel that urge, I’m happy for you – not many people can resist those biases.
But despite the fact that they are actively using every rule in the book to persuade you in making the purchase, there are a few somewhat positives one can draw from all this.
First, they are providing the 365-day money back 100% satisfaction guarantee. While I presume they stand firm on it most of the time, in the past, they have at times not done so. And people have been left without a remedy when dissatisfied with the product.
But that may have changed, since introducing buySAFE – “the leading online protection agency, to give you a guaranteed shopping experience for total peace of mind over your purchase” – as they note.
Second, they are exactly pinpointing the study that proves that the active ingredients can be beneficial. That I respect a lot.
On that note, however, they do not point to other studies that approve other claims, like the fact that BioPerine is necessary to improve the absorption of the beneficial ingredients within Research Verified Keto.
Also, there are other, inconsistencies and slight inaccuracies that we will touch upon later in the review.
And other than that, there are a bunch of claims about the high-quality that they adhere to and all kinds of related stuff. That we’ll also look at later.
Now, let’s hop on to the ingredients to see if they are any good and can provide any benefits.
They’re Very Straight Forward About All The Ingredients
In the past, I have reviewed Keto supplements, like Purefit Keto, the ingredient list of which wasn’t exactly easy to find. In truth, it’s often the first sign of something not being right about a supplement.
In that regard, with Research Verified Keto there wasn’t that hurdle – they are very straightforward about this and there is nothing fishy. You’ll find their full ingredient list on that sale’s page of theirs.
Overall, the supplement offers 3 different beneficial substances.
There’s the Beta-Hydroxybutyrate that you have 2000 milligrams of.
It comes in four different forms – Calcium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate, Magnesium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate, Sodium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate, and Potassium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate. 500 mg of each.
You’re also getting 400 mg of unknown origins MCT Oil. Which isn’t really the best way to go.
I mean, while it can account for some benefit, it is, for sure, not to be anywhere as beneficial as, for example, Sports Research MCT Oil, Bulletproof MCT Oil (including Brain Octane Oil), or Now Sports MCT Oil. Or in other words, these amounts won’t be sufficient enough to replace a proper MCT Oil supplement.
Thus, there really is no reason for the hype what has been expressed throughout the sale’s page what regards the supplement having the added MCT Oil.
Lastly, there’s Piperine (BioPerine). Which I have no idea what is doing there but we will get to the bottom of this in the later sections.
Anyway, regardless if it can improve absorption or not, it can provide some benefits on its own.
At the end of the day though, I must conclude that this ingredient list I feel is somewhat misleading. Because, in truth, there will be more that you will get out of this supplement.
It’s not necessarily bad, to the contrary it can amount for additional benefits. However, you need to be aware of this if the Research Verified Keto is not the only supplement you plan on using. Mainly, to ensure that you do not overdo any of the additional minerals that in reality, you will be getting but that they don’t list.
The reason for this ‘more than indicated on the label’ is due to the unique properties of mineral salts that all four forms of Beta-Hydroxybutyrate are.
Meaning, when consumed not only the Beta-Hydroxybutyrate part is made available for the body to absorb but also any of the respective minerals are too.
Hence, by consuming this supplement you are additionally getting Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, and Potassium.
Or to be more exact, you are likely also getting approximately 75 mg of Calcium, 40 mg of Magnesium, 90 mg of Sodium, and 190 mg of Potassium (rough average estimates based on other BHB supplements).
To the whole ingredient list, there’s also one additive that the supplement employs. But that we will get into later.
Now, let’s take a quick look at the potential benefits of all the above-listed ingredients and whether or not they can help you achieve at least something similar to Verified Research Keto’s promised benefits.
Benefit-Wise There Is Superficially Plenty To Look Forward To
Exogenous Ketones For Weight Loss, More Energy & Life Span
So, the three main substances found in Research Verified Keto that has every reason to be incredibly beneficial. Let’s look at them one at a time.
The Beta-Hydroxybutyrate supplements (also called Exogenous ketones) have been proven to help to an extent get into ketosis, thus, being effective and producing a benefit in a number of studies. This is despite the fact that they don’t naturally happen within our bodies in the exact same way (in mineral salts) [R, R, R, R, R, R].
Thus, it really puzzles me as to why they are pushing the fact that it’s a natural supplement. These compounds of Beta-Hydroxybutyrate don’t naturally exist.
Meaning, yes, Beta-Hydroxybutyrate is one of the 3 things that naturally occur when our bodies produce ketones from fatty acids, however, never do it comes bound with Calcium or any of the other minerals [R, R, R, R].
But regardless of that, there are a number of benefits that do get associated with the consumption of such ketones.
First and foremost it’s about improving weight loss. Other than that, it’s also amazing for fighting cancer, providing energy both for the body and the brain, treating insulin resistance, increasing life span, decreasing appetite, combating and preventing diabetes, as well as providing other possible benefits [R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R].
It is said to be helpful in maintaining ketosis even after a meal. But what regards blood ketone levels, just supplementing is said to be nowhere near as efficient as a proper fast would be. Thus, signaling that it won’t be nearly as beneficial if you are not planning on introducing dietary changes and some fasting. [R, R, R, R, R].
MCT Oil For Metabolism, Brain Function & Anti-Properties
Jumping on to the next beneficial ingredient within the Research Verified Keto, we have MCT Oil.
This is a substance that has also been proven to be incredibly effective and beneficial in many ways.
There’s the thermogenic effect, the improvements to metabolism, weight loss, and cholesterol levels, there’s the promoting of digestive, skin, and mouth health, there’s the protection of brain function and against antibiotic resistance, there’s the lowering of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes, as well as potential for fighting off sexually transmitted diseases [R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R].
But the potential benefits do not stop there. MCT Oil also displays incredible anti-properties. Or in other words, there’s the anti-cancer, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, and antiviral properties and benefits that only further emphasize the awesomeness of this substance [R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R].
That said, it’s unlikely that you’ll encounter any of these benefits within the Research Verified Keto. This is due to the fact that there simply is too little of this remarkable oil.
For the sake of comparison, proper, well-received, beneficial MCT Oil supplements like Onnit MCT Oil and Nature’s Way MCT Oil provide 14 g and 12.7 g, respectively. That’s 35 and about 32 times more, respectively.
Do you feel where I’m going with this?
Also, with this MCT Oil, you are essentially getting a cat in the sack. Meaning, the actual benefits from any MCT Oil is highly dependant on the composition of the particular oil.
Whereas we’ve no idea whether or not this one consists of Caproic Acid, Caprylic Acid (C8), Capric Acid (C10) or Lauric Acid (C12) and in what proportions specifically.
They not indicating that are essentially half-assing it. Thus, we’re probably talking about second-grade ingredients the origins of which we have no way of knowing (despite the claims product containing the highest quality ingredients? No way to know for sure).
Hence, I would like to be provocative and emphasize the fact that though the MCT Oil looks nice within the supplement (and that could inspire more sales).
Plus, it makes you think – who is or are these doctors that have created such outlines for ‘the best keto supplement’?
I might be wrong, but seems rather something remarkably biased to me.
Piperine For Improved Absorption? Really?
All throughout the sale’s page of Research Verified Keto we see claims that really push forward the idea of Piperine (Bioperine) being one of the core factors between poor and great Keto supplements. Especially, because of “added absorption of exogenous ketones, increased bioavailability and faster results”.

Consequently, as they put it “not many products contain this essential ingredient”. Thus, implying that Research Verified Keto is the superior product over most other similar supplements.
Moreover, this is also presented as one of the criteria that their unnamed doctors are mentioning as being key to choosing a Keto supplement.
The only thing is that I couldn’t find any evidence-based and science-based substantiation for this.
I mean, Piperine can do a lot of things for your health, like fighting free radicals, improving digestion, protecting against inflammation, as well as improve the absorption of many various substances, like Beta-Carotene and Curcuminoids [R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R]
But, as far as I can tell, Exogenous ketones like Beta-Hydroxybutyrate is not one of them.
Neither there’s a mention in all the contents of a study that approves what Verified Research is claiming.
Thus, for the time being, I would regard this as a likely hoax.
Almost No Possible Side Effects? But Deadly
Side effects more often than not are the product of harmful substances within any single supplement. Whereas the harmful substances 99% of the time we tend to find among the inactive ingredients.
These are the ingredients that are added to the supplement to make the delivery form possible (capsule, tablet, etc.) and to add specific characteristics to that delivery (color, flavor, etc.). These are the ingredients otherwise known as additives.
Thus, given their often harmful nature (but not all are bad), it’s useful to always do a little research on them. To make sure they will not harm you long term.
When speaking of Verified Research Keto, it truly is an exemplary thing.
Additives. It uses only one additive. Moreover, it’s an additive as natural as the Earth itself. Vegetable Cellulose.
Thus, it really goes without saying that it’s one of the most harmless additives there is.
But there are two other culprits within the supplement that can potentially come with some side effects to your health. Overall, this is extremely rare but stuff like this can happen.
Beta Hydroxybutyrate. When it comes to the first of the two, you will probably not see this coming. It’s Beta Hydroxybutyrate.
While it will not affect everyone, for select few people consuming it through supplementation can cause diarrhea, nausea, as well as general stomach discomfort [R, R, R, R].
This is also what you’ll see if you’ll read some of the customer reviews findable on Amazon. A few people note that all that the Verified Research Keto gave them was diarrhea.
So, nothing dangerous really. It can cause some discomfort. But nothing life-threatening. Which, however, can’t be said about the second culprit.
Potassium. Remember, we discussed how much minerals you’re likely to acquire through the respective Beta Hydroxybutyrate forms?
Well, there’s a reason for that. Too many of some of those minerals can be seriously harmful. Like it is in the case of Potassium.
My current estimates may be wrong as to getting around 190 mg of Potassium from the Verified Research Keto supplement. However, if they are not, we are potentially looking at a Potassium overdose.
Many high-profile doctors do recommend against ever supplementing more than 99 mg of Potassium daily. Reason being, we typically are getting more than enough from our diets alone. And thus, if supplemented can lead to devastating health effects, like hyperkalemia [R, R, R, R].
This is also why proper multivitamins never add more than 99 mg of Potassium to your diet.
I mean, I could be rash with this and causing potential concerns where there is no reason to. As my current estimates might be off. But that’s the truth I’m getting at right now.
That said, if anyone has insights that could help us sort it out (best if they can share information or links with a reference to an authoritative study or a high-profile doctor) I would highly appreciate you sharing them in the comments. And I will update this Verified Research review accordingly.
Would You Bet Your Money On A 67% Success Rate?
Given all the positive reviews advertising for the Research Verified Keto, it might superficially seem that the supplement truly works. And that you will be able to lose those damn pounds and have it provide other positive improvements to your health.
However, only 2 for every 3 people have been satisfied with their purchase.
Or in other words, taking a comprehensive look at all the customer reviews that I could possibly find over the internet, showed that the Verified Research Keto enjoys around 67% global success rate.
Sure, it must be taken into account that people typically tend to report negative outcomes way more often than positive ones. And hence, the actual success rate may be slightly higher.
However, this is still a rather low one.
For the sake of comparison, MCT Oils when speaking of weight loss and improved energy levels, as well as other remarkable benefits tend to enjoy success rates as high as 97% (and more).
I mean, sure, with the Verified Research you can have your money back if it doesn’t work (likely more often than not) but here’s something you can’t get back. The wasted time (and maybe even your health due to that Potassium).
Whereas if you’re huge on money back guarantees, also MCT Oil supplements have options. For example, Onnit offers such money back guarantee on its supplements.
But regardless of which path you choose to take, I feel this wouldn’t be a full insight Research Verified Keto review if I didn’t point out a few more things about the Research Verified Keto’s sale’s page. Additional things that may make you change your mind about investing in them if you’re not already convinced that it’s not in your best interest.
8 More Reasons Why Not To Invest In Research Verified Keto
Reason #1 – Fake USP Approval
On the Research Verified Keto sale’s page, you’ll see the following claim: “Every Research Verified® product must [..] comply with the US Pharmacopeia’s standards for quality and purity.”
Thus, superficially making the impression (and this is reiterated all throughout the page) that Research Verified Keto is a quality approved supplement that for sure will provide you with awesome value.
In that regard, if you’re unfamiliar with what US Pharmacopeia (USP) is, they are basically a third-party organization that tests supplements for purity and potency.
Or in other words, an organization that tests whether any given supplement is a clean one (does not contain contaminants) and whether any given supplement contains the ingredients exactly as claimed on the label [R, R]
But while it’s all great and nice, the matter of the fact is that Research Verified Keto is not USP approved. They are implying and sending off the impressions that they are.
You see, as it usually is with well-established third-party testing organizations, they provide a list of supplements that they have approved through their testing. Whereas the full list is available online for anyone to see [R].
However, going through the full list of those supplements, I am certain Research Verified Keto is not among them.
And it kind of makes you think. If the supplement truly as robust as Research Verified appear to say, something that is of such awesome quality, why have they not earned the USP’s approval?
Because it’s available to anyone and supposedly they have every reason and means to. The supplement is superb, right? Or not?
Well, the only reasonable explanation to this is that the Verified Research Keto is not actually as high of a quality as they are trying to make it or make it appear.
Thus, I feel though not everything you can trust what they claim on their sale’s page, you can trust the following. Choose a supplement that as they say “complies with the US Pharmacopeia’s quality standards”.
But Research Verified is not one of them.
So, don’t choose it!
Reason #2 – The Criteria Is Obviously Biased
The sale’s page of Verified Research Keto is built in a way that establishes trust. They in a sense present themselves as a brand that doesn’t follow the conventional approach to supplement creation, they expose other brands and the typical approach, set the stage for proper criteria, and then live up to that criteria through their supplements.
The only thing about this is that I feel this their established criteria is incredibly biased. And this is apart from what we saw in the Reason #1 that they don’t themselves actually live up to that set criteria.
So, why I see it as something biased?
Well, I mean, let us return to that USP approval for a moment.
So, they are actively advertising that they are third-party organization approved for purity and potency when it comes to Research Verified Keto.
But why exactly one has to be USP verified to be a proper Keto supplement? There are plenty of third-party organizations out there (that may not be as known but) that will get the job done.
Do you see where I’m going with this?
I mean, if the criteria would actually be established objectively and without any biases, wouldn’t it make more sense that Research Verified’s criteria for a proper Keto supplement would list having third-party approval of the end product as one of its requirements?
Instead of listing a particular organization as the one that has to have tested the ingredients?
It just doesn’t make any sense.
I mean, to an extent, it could, potentially, if USP was the most respected, robust, and of highest quality standards used in third-party approval. But it is not. Not even close.
The truth is that only about 100+ supplements have been USP-approved. Whereas, for the sake of comparison, there are organizations like NSF that have literally tested thousands of supplements.
Still, thinking Research Verified’s got your back when considering Keto supplements?
Reason #3 – Raw Ingredients Are Third-Party Tested
Another claim that we encounter on the sale’s page of Research Verified Keto is that of the ingredients being third-party tested.
While this is all noble and everything, they shy away from revealing which is the organization that does the third-party testing.
Thus, we really don’t have any means of making sure such third-party testing takes place.
Another fact to consider is that many impurities and admixtures (harmful) do happen in the course over the manufacturing process.
Thus, while raw ingredient testing is important, it is nowhere near as important as proper end-product testing.
Hence, if this would be worth anything, the third-party testing must also be done on a finished product.
Which based on Reason No. 2 seems to not be entirely their thing.
Reason #4 – Recommended BHB Amounts Are Fully Random
Returning to the Research Verified’s criteria to the best Keto supplement on the market we encounter the following criteria – “It must contain 2000 mg of exogenous ketones derived from Beta-Hydroxybutyrate”.
The truth about this is that I couldn’t find any doctor online that would recommend such BHB daily dosage.
I don’t think so. Even more so because the study they cited on the Research Verified’s sale’s page, the one which proves the effectiveness of exogenous ketones used 11.7 grams or 11,700 milligrams. That’s almost 6 times more than what ‘their doctors’ recommend [R].
Which does beg the question, why did they not cite a study that proves 2000 mg of exogenous ketones being highly beneficial?
Well, probably because such a study does not exist. At least, I spent a few hours looking for such a study, I couldn’t find a single one.
Which also then raises the question that we have stepped on previously as well. Who are these doctors and what is the factual basis for recommending exactly 2000 milligrams of Beta Hydroxybutyrate?
At the end of the day, I feel the recommended daily amounts for this substance are fully random and actually likely not based on anything.
Thus, this is likely another testament to how biased the Research Verified’s criteria for best Keto supplements actually is.
Reason #5 – Verified Research Keto’s Vegan-Friendly?
There are not a lot of seals that the Verified Research Keto carries. But one among some of them is one that stands for being Vegan-friendly.
The question here is, if you’re a vegan does this supplement is something you could potentially go for?
Well, that Vegan-friendly seal/claim is entirely their own. Meaning, the supplement has not been approved to be vegan-friendly by any solid vegan organizations, like Vegan Action.
So, is this Verified Research Keto truly a vegan supplement?
I don’t know.
All I can tell though, given all the red flags and inconsistencies we have already encountered in Verified Research Keto’s sale’s page, it’s unlikely.
I mean, if their supplement is of such high quality as the sale’s page constantly emphasizes, why on Earth would they not go for a proper and widely recognized certification?
Surely, it should be easy to attain (given the high quality everywhere) and would benefit their supplement, thus, more sales.
So, is it their omission or rather the supplement’s incapacity for vegan-friendly certification?
What do you think? Which one is more likely?
Reason #6 – What Are Those Random 2400 Mg?
We’re back at the criteria that Research Verified establishes for getting to the best keto supplement. Meaning, this time let’s look at another of those doctor established criteria, in specific – “It must provide an effective daily serving of at least 2400 mg”.
This criterion is as vague as it is dubious.
It absolutely begs the question – 2400 milligrams of what? It does not in any way specify what it exactly is what you need to have in these 2400 milligrams.
I mean, I may not be able to fully portray how obnoxious this is. But think for a moment.
So, a doctor or doctors said that one of the criteria for finding/making the best keto supplement is that it has a daily serving of 2400 milligrams.
That’s like saying that one of the key criteria for making the best coffee is to have 2000 milligrams.
Can you think of any sensible and resourceful doctor that would ever give such vague criteria for anything? These kind of criteria are pointless and in no way help you choose a proper supplement.
Sure, Research Verified fills this with 2000 milligrams of exogenous ketones and 400 milligrams of MCT Oil (which in of themselves are 2 additional criteria). But to me, that’s absolutely ridiculous. Because these criteria are effectively overlapping.
They are stretching 2 requisites to a number 3.
Consequently, without much thought to me, it feels and seems as this is an artificial criterion to improve the overall number of requirements necessary for the notion of the best keto supplement with no actual value within it.
Thus, making it seem of these there are more and they are harder to satisfy overall. Hence, giving more credit to the manufacturer.
And consequently, setting them apart to an extent from the others.
Which is completely without any factual basis.
Reason #7 – How Is That Research Verified Keto Natural?
I did in a way touch upon this earlier in the review but I believe it bears repeating.
Though this is not something that gets regurgitated all throughout the article, like it was in the case of Pure Life Keto, it’s still something that appears in the conclusion of the sale’s page.
In particular, when summarizing Research Verified Keto, they mention “it is vegan-friendly and natural”.
Hmm… Natural? Okay.
But let’s discuss that a bit.
So, if it’s that natural, then the ingredients of the supplement must be natural. Otherwise, it can’t be called natural, right? It doesn’t make sense then, correct?
Thus, the key ingredients, like Potassium Beta Hydroxybutyrate, Sodium Beta Hydroxybutyrate, Calcium Beta Hydroxybutyrate, and Magnesium Beta Hydroxybutyrate, all must also be natural ingredients.
But where do you get these naturally? Are these compounds directly findable in food? Are there any other natural sources?
I know of no such thing. Moreover, Google, Yahoo, and Bing couldn’t help me in learning of such either.
Why is that?
Well, the answer is as straight forward as it is obvious.
The thing is that naturally ketones happen only in the human body and they come in a pure Beta Hydroxybutyrate form [R, R, R, R, R, R].
Whereas when talking of exogenous ketones or ketones that come from the outside environment they are provided in a mineral salts form such as any of the four mentioned [R, R, R, R, R, R].
Thus, it obviously begs the question – why is the supplement called natural, when the key ingredients are clearly not of fully natural origins?
I mean, sure, you can stretch the meaning of natural quite a bit. But I feel this is a little bit over the top.
Reason #8 – No False Claims Or Misleading Facts. Really?
On the sale’s page of Research Verified Keto supplement, they have a section headlined “What We’re Not”.
Under that headline, you’ll see a number of things that the manufacturer lists as something that they don’t do and practices that they don’t indulge in. One of those things – “No False Claims or Misleading Facts”.
Well, how do you feel about that up until this point?
I mean, the fact that they are claiming that they don’t make false claims or misleading facts doesn’t remedy all the hoax thus far. It doesn’t prove that they are trustworthy because this is a claim anyone can make. Absolutely anyone.
It’s something that should rather be determined based on the information and its consistency to the truth. And that does not look good for them.
To emphasize the point, how about that biased doctor’s criteria? How about that USP approval? How about that study that shows promise to using Beta Hydroxybutyrate but contains 6 times the amount of the substance the Verified Research Keto supplement does?
How about that Piperine that they said improves absorption but then fail to mention a study that proves that? How about that emphasis of the idea of the supplement being a natural one? And how about all the other nonsense that we have looked at throughout this review?
Well, it surely does not eradiate an aura of trust and integrity.
I mean, by the time you’re reading this Research Verified Keto review, they might have already changed that sale’s page to make much of this analysis obsolete. However, that doesn’t really change the fact that it seems that they are primarily after your money instead of actually delivering value.
This, despite the fact that in the past I have been very impressed with how accurate in setting the criteria Research Verified has been.
But as far as I can tell, they are only on point whenever it’s convenient for them.
So, the question for you – do you really want to support and invest in such a company? One that promotes truth only when it’s convenient for them?
Trying To Appear Trustworthy But Falls Short
Ultimately, I absolutely must commend the sale page of the Research Verified Keto supplement.
I mean, it’s a masterpiece. It’s written in a very effective and compelling manner while using natural human cognitive biases to convince and persuade people into buying the supplement.
Thus, they do absolutely everything to try and appear trustworthy even if, as far as I can tell, they are not 100% accurate and honest in all that they claim.
I mean, yeah, the supplement itself probably is a fine one and can work sometimes as indicated by the success rates.
However, I am truly disappointed in Research Verified due to them promoting the truth only when it’s convenient for them. The hoax is pretty mind-blowing.
Thus, I can’t help but conclude that they are more about making a buck than delivering genuine value to you, your well-being, and overall health. And that despite their every attempt in telling you it’s the other way around – their marketing materials speak a different story.
Hence, I do highly recommend avoiding them.
Whereas if you need any help with weight loss, I believe that fasting or fasting/keto-diet coupled with a proper MCT Oil supplement at the moment is arguably one of the best ways to go.
Above all, I hope this Research Verified Keto review helped you find the information you were looking for.
Hello, I just received my Research Verified Keto capsules. I wish I had seen your review before I ordered. It was so confusing online. I tried to look at the reviews of a bunch. These got good reviews, generally. Since I have them now, I will try them, and hope for the best. Thank you.
Hey, Patricia!
Yeah, I feel you. There are plenty of reviews out there advocating for it, and to that end, it, indeed, can get extremely confusing. I should probably update the article as soon as possible because that could help a lot with finding it easier.
But, for sure, since you do already have the Research Verified Keto, try it out. And let me know what you think. I’d love to hear from you.
Thank you 100 fold for your review , I was amazed and educated by your complete dismantling of RESEARCH VERIFIED KETO. I can only guess the amount of time that there Marketing department spent on the add they had posted. you deserve the title of CHAMPION CONSUMER ADVOCATE . Thank you and GO EASY my friend.
Hey, Barry!
Yeah, marketing has so much influence; it’s crazy. I mean, there are a ton of poor to terrible products that get bought in spades just because of skillful wording and the art of persuasion. Ultimately, it ends up more about the hype than the actual benefits for the consumer when it should be the other way around.
I’m thrilled this was helpful. :)
It all started with a pop-up ad, using celebrity endorsement. I usually just ignore these kinds of ads but saying it was risk free and the pills would be free if the order was cancelled within 30 days. I thought how could I lose. So in a WEAK MOMENT and struggling to lose “pandemic pounds” put on while self-isolating, I pressed the order now button to check it out. BIG MISTAKE!
Instantly there was an invoice in my email, I called a phone number on invoice to cancel the purchase. Could never get thru, leaving a message to call me resulted in no contact.
Told them I did not want the product and to cancel the order, was told order was already shipped and would have to Wit till they arrived and “I would have to try the product for the full 30 days, then could return all unopened bottles for a partial refund”, they would not commit to any definite amount that they would refund.
Then I come across a Consumer agency issues warning:
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has been warning against such scams for years. In 2014 the agency said: “The reality: The company can’t support — or deliver on — those weight-loss claims. If you give your credit or debit account number, you get charged $60 to $210 every month — and it’s almost impossible to get a refund. On top of that, you get enrolled in offers you didn’t ask for — with more monthly charges.”
I then contacted my credit card company to cancel payment. Credit card company said I must have authorized the payment, so was responsible for it. M/C bill will have to be paid when due or interest will be charged. That my only recourse was to work with the company ordered from. So, I cancelled my existing credit card and requested a new number be issued, to prevent more unwanted charges.
Eventually, the pills arrived along with a bottle of so-called “cleanse” product, with additional charge. I again tried contacting the company and tried convincing them to let me return all product, they insisted I had to “try” product for 30 days and then if unsatisfied, I could then contact them, for instructions on how to return unopened product.
At the one-month mark, I tried contacting them again, spent hours trying to phone and multiple emails sent to the company to try to return them, was told to fill out a request form they emailed me. I did, to no avail again.
Got tied of going round & round with the company. Gave up and chalked it up to being a Stupid Consumer Lost $324 and still have all unopened bottles.
I apologize for not finding the time to get back to you sooner. I hope you’re great. And I hope this is not bothering your mind anymore.
I’m genuinely sad this happened to you. And I’m not just saying that. I really am. I absolutely feel you. I mean, don’t those companies know how to catch us in such weak moments and persuade us into doing or buying stuff that we don’t actually need? Yeah, that’s marketing, the whole purpose of marketing.
But other than that, when things like this happen to me, I in a sense find retribution in reframing the experience. Because no event is good or bad, it’s the emotion that we add to that event that determines how we look at it. To me, when things like this happen, it helps a ton to just look at the whole thing as a learning experience. It’s, relatively speaking, an expensive lesson. But it just might be something that saves you thousands or more dollars in the future. So, it kind of helps to just have faith that it happens for the better.
Because I violently believe that we can find opportunities even in the worst of things. The fact that we just don’t see it yet doesn’t mean that the opportunity is not there. I mean, who knows maybe such will present itself at a later time. But just trust that it’s working for you even if there no evidence for that at this time and it just all seems terrible and bad.
Another great tool is looking at it in the increments of five. Meaning, ask yourself, will this matter 5 days from now? Well, probably. Then, ask yourself, will this matter in 5 months from now? Mmm, well, given the ongoing pandemic, maybe. Lastly, ask yourself, will this matter in 5 years of time? To which, if you’re really honest with yourself, the answer will very likely be “NO.” And so, if either of those three answers is a “NO,” just let it go.
It won’t matter. Hence, it doesn’t matter.
I hope that helps!!
And God bless you for sharing this. I genuinely appreciate it!! <3
Thank you so much for this depth review! I thought there was something fishy regarding their website and “real reviews”. I just order a couple of bottles of the Onnit MCT Oil!
Hey, Laura!
I’m happy to hear you liked this one!
I remember thinking the same thing, haha!
And that’s awesome to hear. If you get a chance, let me know how it goes.
Have a Great One!
Wow, such a comprehensive review, I was really only concerned about knowing if the research verified keto is actually useful for me to lose fat but I wind up learning a lot more than just that. I do not know much about losing weight, I have only been adding much of it lately. I think I’ll just try the MCT oil supplement together with a proper keto diet you recommended. Thanks for the educative post.
Hey, Henderson!
I’m thrilled to hear you learned a lot more than expected.
Let me know how it goes and thank you for the kindhearted words.
Cheers, and have a Great One!
Carpe minutam/Seize the moment,
Wow 67% success rate? With that high probability of it not working with me, I’d rather take my chances with one of those MCT oils that seems to be all the rage. It’s a good thing they have that money-back guarantee though, but the few people experiencing diarrhea troubles me, do you think I’ll get it too seeing that I have a low immune system?
Hey, Riaz!
I feel there’s no way of telling that other than actually trying the supplement.
Either way, I would prefer the MCT Oil any time of the day.
Cheers, and have a Great One!
Carpe minutam/Seize the moment!
I just started a Keto diet a few weeks back and a colleague of mine suggested that I should try Research Verified Keto.
Thankfully, I did some research before trying it as I believe that it must not be for me… Their product main page is indeed kind of salesy and I don’t really care for that kind of stuff. It felt like they were trying to convince me to buy the product right?
I can’t understand why my colleague told me that they had seen such great results with it… Maybe placebo? Who knows.
Hey, Harry!
Yes, incredibly salesy.
The thing is, it’s not like the product doesn’t work at all. For a few people, it does as the success rates indicate.
Still, I feel there are way better approaches to weight loss and even if you’re into trying keto supplements (BHB), there are other much better options as well. Like the Perfect Keto Base.
Cheers, and have a Great One!
Carpe minutam/Seize the moment,
I really hate when people take a good thing and make it so bad, just because they want to make money. And this is about our health, something which can potentially help or damage our bodies, they chose to lie and destroy our health. I think research verified keto is here just to take your money but will not deliver anything of quality for your health. I hope many people will read your very informative review and stay away from this company.
Thanks for sharing.
Hey, Adyns!
I totally get that, I not a fan of this either (as you can probably tell from the review).
But other than that, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and thank you for the kind words.
Cheers, and an Awesome Day!